Thomas Kuhn

By masonkm
  • The structure of scientific revolutions

    According to Kuhn's, a theory is accepted as a paradigm if it is better than the competing perspective and explains the underlying questions. When it comes to paradigm, it is a whole way of doing science, in some particular fields. A paradigm is a package of ideas and methods, which, when combined, make up both view of the world and a way of doing science.
  • The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions

    Thomas Kuhn explains that there are four phases of a paradigm shift. Phase 1 is called "normal Sciecne". this includes scientist solving puzzles, resolving anomalies, and make small changes to paradigms. Phase 2 is a "Model crisis" where scientists will do almost anything to solve the crisis. Phase 3 is a new solution called the "model revolution". Kuhn believed that the model crisis need something new to resolve the solution. Phase 4 is Paradigm shift where the new way replaces the old.
  • The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions

    It is very important to know that Thomas Kuhn did NOT invent the word " Paradigm Shift ". It was an established term, which meant (roughly) an illustrative example of something, on which other cases can be modeled. Kuhn discusses this original meaning in Structure (1996, 23).
  • The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions

    Once Kuhn also believed that scientist do not make discoveries solely based on the hard facts from their experiments. He developed the social studies of science, believing that scientist’s judgment were constrained to the paradigm they were currently under.