Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)

  • Thomas Kuhn story

    Thomas Kuhn was not a critical scientist. He believed that science was more of a pattern and put together a system of phases that he believed science undergoes. The video attached below will explain how Thomas described this pattern.
  • Pre-Paradigmatic Phase/ Normal Science

    The first two phases of science Thomas Kuhn defined is the Pre-paradigmatic phase, which is the phase before a paradigm, and then next is Normal Science. Kuhn explains that pre-paradigmatic is the phase in which scientist have not all made a standard that is understood by all to move on to the normal science phase. Normal Science phase is the longest phase in which scientist are working together to prove theories wrong or better the concepts.
  • Paradigm/Crisis

    Kuhn believes that Paradigm, which is concepts accepted by scientist as the root of the theory in my own words, as part of Normal Science sometimes have to be revisited and changed. This phase is the third phase called Crisis. In the Crisis phase scientist have doubts about the Normal Science phase and become critical to solve the issue. “Chapter 2.2: Thomas Kuhn, Scientific Revolutions.” YouTube, 19 Oct. 2017,
  • Crisis/ Scientific Revolution/Paradigm Shifts

    Kuhn believes that the Crisis phase can be solved by the problem being fixed and then scientist go back to normal science. Or a completely new paradigm is discovered bringing scientist to the fourth stage called Scientific Revolution. Scientific Revolution is where an entire different paradigm, different standards and theories, replace the old paradigm. Kuhn called this a Paradigm Shift. “Chapter 2.2: Thomas Kuhn, Scientific Revolutions.” YouTube, 19 Oct. 2017,