Thomas Gould - westward expansion

  • Oregon Trail

    the orgen trail started at independence missouri end at the northern orgen, it was 2000 miles long and it was for trading.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri and Maine were added in the us, they were not free state though. It's was significant because it has to be north or it couldn't be a slave state
  • Gold Rush

    John Augustus Sutter was the one who discovered the gold rush, when people found out everyone went on his land to go find some and Northern California in san francisco.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Henry clay was the one that created the compromise, New mexico Utah Nevada Arizona California and texas also western Colorado, they hoped that it would bring hope and peace to there country's
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    there were two country that were added to the us and it was Kansas and Nebraska, this act allowed slavery with in the borders.
  • Fugitive Slave Acts

    the first fugitive slave act said that they need to escape the slaves back to there owners .