This Journey Called Life

  • My Grand Entrance!

    My Grand Entrance!
    I was born on a cold January morning at 11:45am. I weighed in at just over 7lbs. and was healthy as a baby horse.
  • Period: to

    This Journey Called Life

  • My 5th Birthday, Tragic Day in History

    My 5th Birthday, Tragic Day in History
    I got to see the space shuttle, Challenger, launch on my birthday. I was really excited to see the shuttle launch! Unfortunately, it did not end well for the astronauts. The whole world cried that day.
  • First Day of First Grade!

    First Day of First Grade!
    I was nervous starting at a new school, but little did I know how much fun I was going to have here at St. Michael!
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    I am a fourth grader. Like many who came before me, it was my turn to take my place as a receiver of Catholic Communion. This is the third Catholic Sacrament that I have received.
  • Graduation #1

    Graduation #1
    I finally made it through grade school! Starting next fall, I will be the new kid again. But it's high school! I can't wait!
  • I Can Drive!

    I Can Drive!
    It is the moment that every teen waits for. I got my temps! Granted, I have to wait another six months because of a stupid new law. I waited this long. Six more months won't kill me.
  • First Job!

    First Job!
    The day I turned sixteen, my mom told me to get a job. Two weeks later, I was hired as a stockboy at Bluegrass IGA in Bellevue.
  • Graduation #2

    Graduation #2
    I finally graduated from high school! I get to hang out all summer, but then I am going to boot camp this fall.
  • In the Navy

    In the Navy
    I kissed mom good-bye and took an airplane to Chicago. Then I took a 30 minute bus ride to the place where I would live for the next two months, United States Naval Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, IL. Go Navy!
  • Turn of the Millenium

    Turn of the Millenium
    Most people are out celebrating tonight. Where am I? Sleeping in my bunk, waiting for orders to transfer to Charleston, SC. I didn't even get to see the ball drop!
  • 9/11

    Yet another tragedy happens to our country. I woke up in Virginia Beach, in my barracks. After realizing what was happening, I went back to bed. I understood that we were going to war that day and I needed to make sure I got my rest.
  • Graduation #4

    Graduation #4
    I graduated from the Department of Criminal Justice Training Command and began working for the Covington Police Department. It will only last till November, but I had fun!
  • Started College

    Started College
    Unlike most people who start school not knowing what they were going to do, I had my plans laid out. I wanted to be a middle grades teacher and I'll do my best to get it done in four years.
  • Got Hitched!

    Got Hitched!
    I married the woman of my dreams at a mansion with a view of the city. I could not be happier. Off to Mexico for a week of fun in the sun!... and to catch the tail end of hurricane Andrew.
  • Assignment Due!

    Assignment Due!
    Today is the day that I get to turn in this assignment. I hope you all learned a little bit about me after looking at this timeline. Enjoy!