German laughing

Experiences - Sandra Naglack

By Naglack
  • Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
    I came into this world a fighter. I was lucky to share my mother's womb with my twin, Aaron. I was born first, and the doctor said my twin wasn't "ready" and proceeded to return to his dinner party. The nurses had to keep my mother's legs so she wouldn't deliver my brother "too soon." Unfortunately, he didn't make it. My mother and her five siblings all had a set of twins, however she was the only one to lose a child. This is a photo of me and my grandmother in Ingalls, Arkansas.
  • My best friend is born!

    My best friend is born!
    Rachelle is my little sister. I spent many years sharing a room with her. At the time I took her for granted, like most siblings do. But now, when I look back, she is the one I have always turned to when I had questions, fears, joy, simply everything. Until I met my husband, she has always been my rock. We have been many places together, have met a wide variety of family and made new friends. Our mother has always welcomed our new friends, wherever they are from.
  • Traveling

    We always try and meet new people and gain new experiences. I am the only one of my three siblings that lives overseas. All of sisters and brother live in Texas, within an hour of each other. I feel fortunate to have the experiences I have but I do dearly miss my family. I feel at times I'm making a mistake by not living within an hour of them as well. My mother has always wanted all of her children to live close to her. I try and make up for the distance by calling as often as possible.
  • Grandfather from Africa

    Grandfather from Africa
    This was the first time we met my mother's father. He was originally from a small town in Egypt, Africa. He moved to Tunis, Tunisia when he was a child. At an early age I became fascinated with learning everything I could about this side of my family. I remember going to the library and looking through countless books and encyclopedias to see more and learn more about my heritage.
  • Active Duty

    Active Duty
    I joined the Air Force when I was 21 years old. I was a microbiology student in college and just entered my senior year when I made the decision to join the military. I knew I didn't want to be stuck in a lab for the rest of my life. I always felt the need to "get away" but never thought about how to get away. In a way I feel like I ran away, just like my mother and her mother. My mother ran away to marry my father as did my mother's mother.
  • Married

    I married the love of my life after only knowing him for 4 months. I knew instantly he was my soulmate. We both share the love of meeting new peoples, traveling, and immersing ourselves in new cultures.
  • The Barn

    The Barn
    As a child, I spent many holidays at my grandparents house in Ingalls, Arkansas. We loved poking around the family barn and finding new adventures. The house and barn are still in our family today. We try and visit our Arkansas family as much as we can. There's always something to do in Arkansas!
  • New Friends

    New Friends
    We lived in Italy for eight years and would meet people from all reaches of the globe at the beach. My daughter loved playing on the beach with this little boy. We have never met a "stranger" in all our travels. Keeping an open perspective allways us to make friends from all walks of life.
  • Faith

    We are confirmed Catholics, however, I love learning about different faiths. I want my children to know and understand how people across the globe can have different faiths and live in peace. Our next door neighbor is muslim, my mother's side of the family are all muslim, and we have many friends of other beliefs and cultures. I feel connected to all religions. I believe in the philosophy of Buddha as well. Although we are Christians, I feel I am much more than just a Catholic.
  • Homework

    When we are planning a family vacation, we like to turn the trip into a learning experience for our family. We research the country, their customs and beliefs and like to try their regional specialties. This is a picture of my daughter and the authentic Greek meal she made all on her own. She asked for minimal help and even had traditional Greek playing music while preparing, cooking, and eating our meal.
  • My father

    My father
    He wasn't always the most approachable father, and I don't remember him being emotional. He was extremely strict and always demanded respect. However, I know he loved us unconditionally and lived life to the fullest. Being a parent myself, I see the many sacrifices he made for us, just as I do for my own family. I feel I am a lot like my father. Here he is still water skiing at 68 years old!
  • Africa

    My mother is from Tunisia and while on a girls trip to Morocco we became great friends with our tour guide and house lady. Here we are talking to my mother in Texas over Facetime. This was a very special moment for me because my mother doesn't like to travel much and hearing her speak Arabic to complete strangers for nearly an hour was exciting. Due to advances in technology, it's much easier for us to communicate with people of other languages.
  • Summer Vacation

    Summer Vacation
    My family loves living abroad. When I was hired as a DoDDS teacher I made a promise to my girls that we would go back to Texas every summer. They are extremely close to their cousins and I want them to grow up together as much as possible. What's remarkable is when we are visiting, my girls will share with them the places we've been and the people we've met and their cousins get the opportunity to learn more about other cultures as well through them.