Theories of Learning

  • Pavlov's Dogs - Classical Conditioning

    Pavlov did an experiment with dogs - he paired the sound of a bell with food for the dogs. Eventually the dogs salivated when hearing the bell, even if food was not present. Source.
  • B.F. Skinner Box

    Skinner identified two types of behavior: Operant behavior and and respondent behavior. Operant behavior is initiated by an entity on its own and respondent behavior is when an entity is "responding" to a stimuli. The operant conditioning box (i.e. SKinner Box) was used to study an animal being taught to perform certain actions in response to a stimuli. Source.
  • Jean Piaget - Cognitive Development

    Piaget showed young children think very differently than adults and viewes intellectual growth as a process of adaption. He belived learners construct knowledge from accomodation and assimilation. Source.
  • Donald Hebb - Neurophysiologist

    Hebb studied sensory deprivation. He discovered that people need external stimulation and lack of external stimulation resulted in a diminished ability to solve problems and concentrate. Source.
  • Edwin Guthrie - Contiguity Theory

    The law of contiguity stated that people tend to repeat the same behavior that work for them in the past, especially in similar situations. Source.
  • Edward Tolman - Latent Learning

    Tolman suggested people learn the "big picture" which he called the cognative map. Latent learning is what people have learned but chose to not apply unless a reason presents itself. The learned behavior is not apparent until the required situation arises. Source.
  • Albert Bandura - Social Learning

    Bandura believed in Social Learning; that is people learn by watching others and then mimicing the behavior. Source.
  • Carl Rogers - Self Actualization

    Rogers believed that all humans strive to be the best possible humans they can but this manifests itself in differetn ways based on each individuals personality. He also believe that people are inherently good. Source.
  • Gagne's Types of Learning

    Gagne proposed that different variables influenced the learning of different items. He identified five domains of learning outcomes: information
    intellectual skills
    cognitive strategies
    motor skills
    attitudes Source.
  • Gordon Pask - Conversation Theory

    Pask believed people learned through conversation. One of the strongest parts of conversation theory is that people learn best when asked to teach what they have learned to others. Source.