
Theodore Roosevelt Timeline

  • Theodore Roosevelt was born

    Theodore Roosevelt was born
    Theodore Roosevelt was born in october of 1858 and served as the 26th president
  • Roosevelt rturns from the Spanish-American war a hero

    Roosevelt rturns from the Spanish-American war a hero
    Roosevelt fought in the spanish-American war
  • Roosevelt was named the 26th president

    Roosevelt was named the 26th president
    Was named president after McKinley was assassinated
  • Energy crisis

    Energy crisis
    was also known as the Coal Srike of 1902
  • Elkins Act passed

    Elkins Act passed
    The Elkins act was passed to stop the interstae caommerce from having heavy fines on rail roads that offered rebates.
  • Pelicans Island

    Pelicans Island
    Pelicans Island was Named frist National wildlife refuge in 1903
  • Roosevelt wins frist full term as president

    Roosevelt wins frist full term as president
    In 1904 Roosevelt won his first full term as president
  • Pure food and Drug Act passed

    Pure food and Drug Act passed
    Put a halt to selling contamited food and medicne
  • Devils Tower

    Devils Tower
    Devils Tower was named the first national monunment in wyoming.
  • Yosemite

    Yosemite was under federal control
  • Roosevelt Leaves presidency and visits Africa

    Roosevelt Leaves presidency and visits Africa
    Following his term as prisent he took a trip to Africa and went on a safri