Theodore Roosevelt is born
Born in New York City on October 27, 1858, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was governor of New York before becoming U.S. vice president. At age 42, Teddy Roosevelt became the youngest man to assume the U.S. presidency. -
theodore roosevelt Returned from the Spanish-American War as a hero
Roosevelt's political career ignited as he returned a war hero and national celebrity.It destroyed the Spanish Empire and ushered in a new era of American Empire. -
Named President when McKinley is assassinated
when McKinley was assassinated in September 1901. When he was assassinated, Theodore Roosevelt took over as President. -
Energy crisis
On Friday, October 3, 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt called a precedent-shattering meeting at the temporary White House at 22 Lafayette Place, Washington, D.C. A great strike in the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania threatened a coal famine. -
Elkins Act passed
The Elkins Act is a 1903 United States federal law that amended the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. The Elkins Act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and upon the shippers that accepted these rebates. -
Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge
President Theodore Roosevelt on March 14, 1903, Pelican Island was the first national wildlife refuge in the United States.[2] It was created to protect egrets and other birds from extinction through plume hunting. -
Theodore roosevelt wins first full term as President
The United States presidential election of 1904 was held on November 8, 1904. The Republican Party unanimously nominated incumbent President Theodore Roosevelt for president at their 1904 national convention, and won. -
Yosemite under Federal Control
Roosevelt agreed that two controls made for "triple troubles." Eventually, their discussion prompted the Presidential signature on the Yosemite Recession Bill in June, 1906. Which put them into state protection and put them under federal protection, making them part of Yosemite National Park. -
Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines. -
Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument
On September 24, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt declared Devils Tower in Wyoming to be the first National Monument under the Antiquities Act. -
Leaves presidency, visits Africa
He departed New Jersey on March 1909 and spent eleven months on the hunt in Africa.During his trip he bagged 296 kills, including nine lions, eight elephants, thirteen rhinoceroses, fifteen zebras, and seven hippopotami. -
Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
The Progressive Party of 1912 was an American political party. It was formed by former President Theodore Roosevelt, after a split in the Republican Party between him and President William Howard Taft.