Theodore Roosevelt is born
Was born in New York City to a wealthy family. He was home-schooled and went to Harvard.
[http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/theodore-roosevelt-is-born] -
Pelican Island
The first refuge for birds was one of the many Roosevelt made. -
Named President After McKinley Assassinated
After president McKinley was shot by Czolgosz, Theodore Roosevelt becomes president at the age of 42. He is the 26th president and the youngest at the time. -
Energy Crisis
Theodore Roosevelt had mine operators join with him to a meeting so he could avoid an energy crisis. He was afraid of the mine shutting down would cause this event.
[http://explorepahistory.com/hmarker.php?markerId=1-A-B7] -
The Elkins Act
Federal government was given the power to end rate discrimination. The Act outlawed rebates for the railroad industry, punishing them. Theodore later supported the industry, vocally, and shut down other monopolies through later acts.
[http://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Capitalism-and-Labor/The-Elkins-Act.aspx] -
Wins First Full Term as President
Theodore Roosevelt won with democratic votes, mainly in the South, winning with the most in both electoral and popular votes.
[http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h832.html] -
Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
This act was made in order to have true labeling on food products for the populace. Theodore Roosevelt provided help in the Meat Inspection Act further helping the cause towards food safety.
[http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h917.html] -
Devil's Tower
The Antiquities Act of 1906 allowed for the Devil's Tower to be protected. It proclaimed that the president can set aside national and historical monuments aside. Mondel influenced Theodore Roosevelt to make Devil's Tower the first national monument.
[https://www.nps.gov/deto/learn/historyculture/first-fifty-years-monument-established.htm] -
Yosemite Under Federal Control
In 1903 president Roosevelt and John Muir had a meeting to have Yosemite Valley taken from California's control to be included into the Yosemite National Park.
[http://www.ohranger.com/yosemite/history-yosemite] -
Leaving Presidency/Visiting Africa
Roosevelt leaves to Africa with his son Kermit to hunt wild game. This also gave him more exposure after leaving as he was usually in the newspapers.
[https://seanmunger.com/2015/03/23/killing-everything-that-moved-teddy-roosevelts-african-safari-of-1909-10/] -
Runs for Presidency, Unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
Roosevelt was shot detaining his campaign for presidency. This caused for him to stay in the hospital and losing with 22 percent popular vote.