Theodore Roosevelt

  • Roosevelt is born

    This is when Roosevelt is born
  • Yosemite Park

    This is when Yosemite park is established as a national park and is then under federal control.
  • Spanish American War

    Roosevelt was a rough rider during the war and was a war hero helped with his actions and accomplishments had helped him during his rise in politics that sent him to his presidency.
  • McKinley Assassination

    McKinley was assassinated after a year in office therefore thrusting Roosevelt into office giving him the power to go through his progressive ideals and acts
  • Energy Crisis

    In 1902, there was a coal strike and the miners stopped mining and then after a few weeks or so of striking the country was having A shortage in energy and Woodrow Wilson appointed a arbitrary committee to help alleviate the situation
  • Elkin's Act

    The Elkin's Act was the act that amended the interstate commerce act. Gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the right to impose a bunch of fines and such.
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island was founded during this time. It is the first national wildlife refuge established by President Roosevelt.
  • Roosevelt wins election

    This is the first full term that Roosevelt won and he was a very popular vote for presidency.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    This Act made it a requirement that labels in the food industry make sure they put what ingredients are in the product.
  • Devil's Tower

    Devil's Tower is the first declared national monument and it was declared in 1906 by Theodore Roosevelt. The monument boundary encloses an area of 1,347 acres.
  • Visiting Africa

    In 1909 Teddy went to Africa on a safari trip and it is said that he hunted down just about everything that he saw moving. He killed many different things in the wildlife
  • Run for Presidency

    The previous president Taft was the successor of Roosevelt but he didn't do anything that roosevelt approved of so Teddy left the party to form his own political party, the bull moose party. And with that they split the republican party in half leading the way for Woodrow Wilson to get elected.