President theodore roosevelt  1904

Theodore Roosevelt

  • Parents

    Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch Roosevelt
  • Born

    In New York City
  • School

    Home schooled when he was a kid because of this asthma and illnesses.
  • Environmentalist

    Country’s first environmentalist president.
  • Weightlifting and Boxing

    Weightlifting and Boxing
  • College

    He earned degree at Harvard College. During his second year at Harvard, his dad died. After finish Harvard he enrolled at Columbia Law School and got married to Alice Hathaway Lee.
  • Animals

    Video od animals He loved animals when he was a kids.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    War He was also in the Spanish-American War with his group call the Rough Riders.
  • U.S. Navy

    U.S. Navy
    He also worked with Congress to strengthen the U.S. Navy. Negotiating peace agreements, working to balance power throughout the world.
  • President

    Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Panama Canal
    He construction the Panama Canal.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    He added a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.
  • “Square Deal”

    “Square Deal”
    He dissolved 44 monopolistic corporations. He set aside millions of acres of land for the animals. He passed the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food Act.
  • Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food Act

    Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food Act
    He passed the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food Act.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    Won the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    He sent the Great White Fleet on a tour to demonstrate American power.
  • Women’s Suffrage

    Women’s Suffrage
    He supported women’s suffrage.
  • Died

  • Medal of Honor

    Medal of Honor
    First president to receive a medal of honor.