Theodore Roosevelt

  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt

  • Teddy is born

    Teddy is born
    Theodore was born in a four story house in Manhattan, New York. he was the second child out of four.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    As Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt took immediate action. Because his boss, the Secretary of the Navy, was away from the office when war erupted, Roosevelt assumed the title of Acting Secretary of the Navy and sent a telegram to Admiral Dewey who commanded the U.S. fleet in the Asian Pacific
  • Mckinley Assassinated

    Mckinley Assassinated
    On September 12 of 1901 Theodore Roosevelt became president when McKinley was assinated by Leon C. Roosevelt was then one of the youngest presidents. Leon had shot McKinley because he was an anarchist from his loosing his job in the panic of 1893.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    Theodore called a precedent-shattering meeting at the white house saying that a great strike in the anthracite coal feilds of Pennsylvania threatened a coal famine. This was also known as the strike by the United Mine Workers of America in the Anthracite coalfeilds in eastern Pennsylvania. The miners were on strike for higher wages, shorter workdays, and recognition of their union.
  • Teddy

    Theodore Roosevelt was on a bear hunting trip near Onward, Mississippi. Holt Collier spotted a deer and Roosevelt refused to shoot it. It spread through the news and that's how he got his name.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    A federal law that amended ICC Act of 1887. Brought on big fines on railroads that offered rebates and upon the shipper that accpted the rebates. The railroad companies could not offer rebates
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island
    Established by an executive order of President Theodore Roosevelt on March 14, 1903, Pelican Island was the first national wildlife refuge in the United States.[2] It was created to protect egrets and other birds from extinction through plume hunting.
  • 2nd term

    2nd term
    In 1904 Roosevelt ran against Alton Parker. Roosevelt had 336 electoral votes as Parker had 140. The part that gave it all way for Roosevelt is his output on success in foreign affairs and his record of firmness against monopolies.
  • Devils Tower

    Devils Tower
    The first United States National Monument. Located in Wyoming with an elevation of 5,112 feet. Some of the resident say that they saw him visit the park on one of his hunting trips through the Black Hills and that he dedicated the monument when it was established.
  • Passage of Pure Food & Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food & Drug Act
    The first Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906. The purpose was to protect the public against adulteration of food and from products identified as healthful without scientific support.
  • Yosemite

    "We have fallen heirs to the most glorious heritage a people ever received, and each one must do his part if we wish to show that the nation is worthy of its good fortune." - Theodore Roosevelt (Conservation)
  • Leaves for Africa

    Leaves for Africa
    Theodore Roosevelt leaves New York for a post-presidency safari in Africa. The trip is sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution and National Geographic Society.
  • Bull Moose

    Bull Moose
    The Progressive Party of 1912 was an American political party. It was formed by former President Theodore Roosevelt, after a split in the Republican Party between him and President William Howard Taft. Roosevelt saying "I feel like a bull moose".