Theodore Roosevelt

  • Born

    Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York.
  • Named President

    Named President
    Theodore Roosevelt was named President after President William McKinley was assassinated.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    The Coal Strike caused an energy crisis that TR called an emergency meeting. He compromised with the workers to meet their needs if they only resume working.
  • Elkins Act Passed

    Elkins Act Passed
    It ended the railroads' abilities to allow certain companies rebates for the shipping of goods.
  • First National Wildlife Refuge

    First National Wildlife Refuge
    TR named Pelican Island the nation's first National Wildlife Refuge to protect nesting birds.
  • Wins First Full Term as President

    Wins First Full Term as President
    This marked the first time that a president not originally elected to office succeeded in retaining the presidency.
  • Yosemite in Federal Control

    Yosemite in Federal Control
    This marks the first time in US history that land was designated for public use and preservation. This is also viewed as the birth of the national parks system.
  • Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act
    Disallowed selling of misbranded or adultered food and drug in interstate commerce.
  • Devils Tower, Wyoming

    Devils Tower, Wyoming
    TR proclaimed Devils' Tower the first national monument under the new Antiquities Act. This also marked Wyoming to our first national park, Yellowstone.
  • Leaves Presidency

    Leaves Presidency
    TR left his presidency to travel Africa to enjoy a bit of time exploring.
  • Runs for Presidency Once Again

    Runs for Presidency Once Again
    The Progressive party was popularly known as the 'Bull Moose Party'. It was a Republican party, and TR tried to run for president once more for them.