
Theodore Roosevelt

  • Theodore Roosevelt was born

    Theodore Roosevelt was born
    He was born. this is important because he came to life and was brought into this world
  • Yosimte is founded

    Yosimte is founded
  • returned home from war

    returned home from war
  • Named president

    Named president
  • energy crisis

    energy crisis
    1902 energy crisis
  • elkins act

    elkins act
    Elkins Act. The Elkins Act is a 1903 United States federal law that amended the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. The Act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and upon the shippers that accepted these rebates.
  • pelican island

    pelican island
  • Devils tower

    Devils tower
    The first national monument named by teddy
  • Wins first real term as president

    Wins first real term as president
  • leaves precidency visits africa