Theodore Roosevelt is born
Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City. In 42 years he was able to become the 26th President of the United States. [http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/teddy-roosevelt-born]
[http://american-arcadia.hudsonvalley.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/full/sites/default/files/images/young_roosevelt.jpg] -
Named President when McKinley is Assassinated
After Leon Czolgosz was able to assassinate President William McKinley by shooting him twice in the abdomen, Theodore Roosevelt moved from being vice president to president. Czolgosz was soon executed in an electric chair. [http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/president-william-mckinley-is-shot]
[http://thewallmachine.com/files/1326165386.jpg] -
Energy Crisis
During a coal strike Theodore Roosevelt had to plea with managers for the people to resume their work. Roosevelt had done this in a wheelchair because he had recently been hit by a trolley car while in his carriage. He was still able to meet with managers because he knew the people had a demand for the energy that had to be met. [https://www.dol.gov/general/aboutdol/history/coalstrike]
[http://pabook2.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/Coal1902Miners.jpg] -
Elkins Act passed
Railroads were often giving rebates to favored people who would ship a lot of volume at one time. Theodore Roosevelt decided to have this act passed through congress to fine a railroad whenever they were caught with rebates. [http://study.com/academy/lesson/the-elkins-act-of-1903-mann-elkins-act-of-1910.html]
[https://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/hh/thro/images/thro14.jpg] -
Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge
Theodore Roosevelt used recently made legislation to be able to make Pelican Island a national wildlife refuge. Frank Chapman and the Florida Audubon Society pushed Roosevelt to claim the land as a refuge, and were able to succeed. [https://www.fws.gov/refuge/pelican_island/about/history.html]
[http://nationalwildliferefugeassociation.com/new-images/Paul.jpg] -
Yosemite under Federal Control
While Yosemite became first under federal control on October 1, 1890, Theodore Roosevelt had a three day wilderness trip in 1903. He took John Muir to accompany him on his journey. [http://vault.sierraclub.org/john_muir_exhibit/people/roosevelt.aspx]
[http://vault.sierraclub.org/john_muir_exhibit/people/images/roosvelt_muir_front.jpg] -
Wins first full term as President
Republican representative, Theodore Roosevelt was able to easily beat democratic representative, Alton B Parker in the election of 1904. Roosevelt was the first person to be able to retain their presidency without being elected for their first term. [https://www.britannica.com/event/United-States-presidential-election-of-1904]
[https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/03/135603-004-0E2B8060.jpg] -
Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
Regulations were made for any company that sold or distributed food, meat, drugs, or other consumable items. This was to prevent people from trusting misguided labels and information and keep them safe. [http://history.house.gov/HistoricalHighlight/Detail/15032393280]
[http://d2hej51cni6o0x.cloudfront.net/images/american-decades/adps_0001_0001_0_img0219.jpg] -
Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument
The recently passed, The Antiquities Act of June 1906 , allowed the president to set aside objects of ”historic or scientific interest”. Theodore Roosevelt thought Devil’s Tower was unique enough for this and used it on the landscape. [https://www.nps.gov/deto/learn/historyculture/first-fifty-years-monument-established.htm] [http://www.theamericanroadtripcompany.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Devils-Tower-america-road-trip-holiday-sbl.jpg] -
Leaves presidency, visits Africa
Theodore Roosevelt took several people, including his son, to Africa to go on a scientific safari. Being a hunter himself, he and his son became competitive to see who could kill more of the wildlife in Africa. When they got back to America, Roosevelt was surprised to see how Taft was moving away from his own principles. Picture and Information:
[https://seanmunger.com/2015/03/23/killing-everything-that-moved-teddy-roosevelts-african-safari-of-1909-10/] -
Runs for presidency, Unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
Before one of his speeches in his run for presidency Theodore Roosevelt was shot by William Schrenk. He could only shoot him once before being detained. Roosevelt was able to still go on to give his speech, and later recover in the hospital. [http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/teddy-roosevelt-nominated-as-bull-moose-candidate]