Theadore Roosevelt Timeline

  • Theodore Roosevelt was born

    Born in New York City on October 27, 1858, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was governor of New York before becoming U.S. vice president
  • Returns from the Spanish-American war as a hero

    Roosevelt was a rough rider during the Spanish American war. A rough Rider is all voluntary calvary. He was named a hero because of how great of a leader he was during this war.
  • Named president when Mckinley is assassinated

    Roosevelt was vice president when Mckinley was assassinated. Therefore when was assassinated Roosevelt was moved up to be the actual president.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    Roosevelt set up the Anthracite Strike Commission because he didnt want an energy strike. This is what brought the on going 5 month strike to an end.
  • Encounters bear while hunting- nicknamed "Teddy"

    Encounters bear while hunting- nicknamed "Teddy"
    Theodore Roosevelt was on a bear hunting trip near Onward, Mississippi on November 14, 1902. He had been invited by Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino, and unlike other hunters in the group, had not located a single bear. Eventually they cornered and tied a black bear to a willow tree. They summoned Roosevelt and suggested that he shoot it. Viewing this as extremely unsportsmanlike, Roosevelt refused to shoot the bear.
  • Pelican Island, Florida, named first national wildlife refuge

    Pelican Island, Florida, named first national wildlife refuge
    exotic pelicans were being killed for there valuable feathers so roosevelt decided to sign an order to make pelican island the first national wildlife refuge.
  • Elkins act passed

    the elkins act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered ended the rebate process for businesses. These businesses got money refunded to them for shipping large quantities of items on the railroads. It passed unanimously out of the Senate and passing the House in a 250-6 vote.
  • Wins first full term as president

    He won his first full term presidency while running against the democrat Alton B. Parker .He recievied 336 electoral votes out of 476
  • Devils tower, WYoming, named first national monument

    President Theodore Roosevelt used the 1906 Antiquities Act, to create the monument based on natural rather than cultural features.
  • Passage of pure food and drug act

    Written by Upton Sinclair in 1906; about the Human condition exploiting the labor of men and women. This act was the first federal law prohibiting the interstate transportation and sale of adulterated food enacted by Congress pursuant to its power under the Commerce Clause.
  • Yosemite under federal control

    On June 11, 1906, Roosevelt signed a bill that took control of the valley and the grove away from California and gave it to the federal government
  • Leaves presidency, visits Africa

    Roosevelt left presidency and went to Africa because he felt that he should leave Taft to occupy his presidency all by himself.
  • runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull Moose Party

    Roosevelt ran for presidency because Taft was making things horrible he created the payne Aldrich tariff which caused higher tariffs. Bull moose party was formed due to a split in the republican party