Thea’s education history

  • Preschool

    In 2012 I had moved from India to Nigeria. So my preschool which was called play school, was in Nigeria. I remember playing many games like ring around the rosie and playing with blocks. I also remember crying so much because I did not want to go to play school, and I just wanted to stay at home and watch TV. I also remember clinging on to my mom when she dropped me off. I had a great time at play school even though I would cry a lot before I went in.
  • Kindergarten

    In the first year of kindergarten my teacher was Ms. Jose who always let us play games and do finger painting. In my second year I had a teacher called Ms Linda who always pushed me to do my best and made me the person I am today. I even won an awards for math, english and for being an exemplary student in all subjects, because of my teach Ms. Linda pushing me to do better in everything. My friends also played a huge role in my life, my friends were always there for me and made me happy.
  • 1st grade at NLNG School

    1st grade at NLNG School
    In first grade my teacher was called Mr. Keniday. He did not let us use erasers because he said “ You should learn to accept your mistakes not erase them”, which I didn’t understand at the point but I understand now. I was also the lead in the play Snow White, which we did in our classroom for the other classes. I remember winning a crown that said maths queen, because I solved an incredible complex problem.
  • 2nd grade at NLNG School

    2nd grade at NLNG School
    In second grade I was only there for half the year before I relocated to India. I don’t remember my teacher’s name but I remember that he was a funny teacher. My favourite thing to do was go to the playground and go on the merry go round that made me feel like I was upside down.
  • 1st grade at CIS

    1st grade at CIS
    When I joined CIS I was shocked to learn that I would have to start grade 1 again luckily I had the best teacher Ms. Ashi. The admissions lady said I joined right before winter break so it would be too late for me to join grade 2. When I first came to CIS I was friends with two girls Emily and Inchara I was also friends with another girl named Manya. I also enjoyed climbing and jumping off monkey bars, and doing obstacle courses.
  • 2nd grade CIS

    2nd grade CIS
    In 2nd grade my teacher was Ms Laura. I remember her being a very strict but she also used to be fun. At the end of the week she would pick the best behaved table group and would let them pick anything out of a treasure box. We also used to have 30 minute breaks twice a day. Then on the last day of school Ms. Laura was leaving school for good,she shed a few tears and so did we.
  • 3rd grade CIS

    3rd grade CIS
    During 3rd grade my teacher was Ms Katie who was British. In 3rd we did a lot of experiments and our classroom had a balcony attached to it so we grew plants there. For a while we had a class pet which were 2 goldfishes called goldy and guppy. Then we went on a trip to this camp called break through where there was zip lining. After that trip lockdown started and no one fed goldy and guppy so I assume they died.
  • 4th grade CIS

    4th grade CIS
    In 4th grade my teacher was Ms. Suparna, that year everything was online. COVID had just hit its peak so we were all online doing everything from google classroom, that was one of the worst years of my life. During 4th grade I got very anxious, depressed, and a bit scared of COVID, there were also times I was so scared I wouldn’t go out of my house. Even in all this sadness I managed to throw Manya a surprise Birthday party on Zoom
  • 5th grade CIS

    5th grade CIS
    During 5th grade my teacher was Ms. James. Half of the year was online school for us, but when I heard the news we would be going back to school I was ecstatic. I counted down the days, and I stayed up at night thinking about it. When the day finally arrived I was so exited I couldn't sleep, even though the day was a half day I didn't care, because I would be going back to school after 2 years. Then after winter break school shut down again, but opened up in a matter of months.
  • 6th grade CIS

    6th grade CIS
    6th grade definitely has to be the most work and tests I have in one school year. It was very challenging to adjust to this at first but now I got the hang of it, although I am trying to this and my science homework at the same time. Our principal Mr. Regis always organises house games so we can get our mind off things. I enjoy the fact we have electives this year so we can choose what specialists we want to do instead of being forced into it.