Virgina:John Smith.To find gold
Massachusetts William Bradford & John Winthorp. To form communities where they could foloow the rules of the bible and serve thier god
Maryland:Cecilius Calvert. As a refuge for catholics
Connecticut:Thomas Hooker. For religous freedom
Delaware:William Penn. So all christans could live together in peace.
Rhode Island:Roger Williams.Their people could worship freely.also kept the goverment seperate from the church
North Carolina:Eight lord proprietors. To help england control southeastern north america
South Carolina:Eight different english investors. To help england control southeastern north america
New York Peter Minuit. To make money for their colony
New Hampshire: Ferinando gorges John Mason. So settelers could earn money by fishing
Pennsylvania: William Penn. So all christans could live together in peace
New Jersey :John Berkely George Carteret. East Jersey West Jersey came together too form New Jersey
Georiga:James Oglethorpe. to help debtors and other poor people