Ancient China Timeline

  • 1600 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    The shang dynasty was the second dynasty of china. They ruled in the yellow river valley. The shang dynasty had the fist type of writing . they would take tortoise shells and carve there words into them. Making them the first type of writers
  • 1050 BCE

    The Zhou dynasty

    The Zhou dynasty
    the Zhou conquest of china in about 1050 b.c . marked the beginning of a dynamic era in Chinese history . The Zhou, Qin , Han were the longest lasting dynasty's. They ruled from 1050 b.c until 256 b.c .
  • 551 BCE


    this philosophy of Confucianism had more influence on the Chinese life than any other philosophy . confus taught about importance of "family, respect for ones and elders and ancestors these concepts form the basis of Confucian philosophy.
  • 551 BCE


    was a leader that lived from 551 b.c to 479 b.c . Confucius's followers collected his ideas and teachings in a work called Analects. in time Confucius teaching became known as Confucianism.
  • 500 BCE


    Most Chinese lived in small villages and the family had a small group of farmers that would work in the fields. farming was difficult for the Chinese
  • 221 BCE

    The Quin dynasty

    The Quin dynasty
    The quin dynasty came to power from there military power. The quin dynasty lasted for about 15 years but produced many lasting changes in the Chinese life. The western name of the Chinese was made by the quin dynasty ruler Cheng.
  • 111


    founded by loazi a new philosophy called daoism . the "dao"
    in daosim means "the way". lazoi taught that people should be retrieved from the world and follow the way of nature. it was the religion that taught " humbleness, quietness, and thoughtfulness.
  • 500


    this is china's oldest forging language . this language came to china from India sometime around 500 a.d
  • 500


    the legends of the chines were people who could tell distant stories about the past and could replay the events that have happens
  • Family

    the Chinese believed in respecting each person in there family and they believed that every persons age and beliefs .
  • sources

    My text book