The Writing Studio Over Time

  • Boquet, History of the Writing Center

    Boquet, Elizabeth H. “‘Our Little Secret’: A History of Writing Centers, Pre- to Post-Open Admissions.” National Council of the Teachers of English 50:3 (2000): 463-482. JSTOR. Web. 31 Aug. 2014. This source discusses how writing centers have transformed over time, changing from in-class remediation workshops to current models of individual process writing.
  • Griffin. Writing Centers in a School of Business

    Griffin, Frank. “The Business of the Business Writing Center.” Business Communication Quarterly 64.3 (2001): 70-79. Business Source Premier. Web. 31 Aug. 2014. This article provides an inside look at one university business director who succesfully integrated a writing center into the college of business to help student writing.
  • Waller, The Developing Types of Writing Centers

    Waller, Susan. “The Development of Writing Centers: Variety and Diversity.” N.p., 2002. Web. 31 Aug. 2014. This article describes the history of writing centers and how they have evolved over time; it especially portrays how various writing centers operate in both past and current formats.
  • Robinson, Philosophy of the Writing Center

    Robinson, Heather M. "Writing Center Philosophy and the End of Basic Writing: Motivation at the Site of Remediation and Discovery." Journal of Basic Writing (CUNY) 28.2 (2011): 70-92. ERIC. Web. 31 Aug. 2014. This article describes the philosophy behind the writing center approach to pedagogy; it focuses on creating an individual relationship with students and helping them hone their own writing skills.
  • LaClare and Franz, Purpose of the Writing Center

    LaClare, Elton, and Tracy Franz. "Writing Centers: Who Are They For? What Are They For?" Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal 4.1 (2013): 5-16. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 31 Aug. 2014. This article showcases the value that writing centers hold today; it describes the daily function of a writing center and the services that studios provide to students of various writing abilities.
  • Mackiewicz and Thompson, Pedagogy behind the Writing Center

    Mackiewicz, Jo, and Isabelle Thompson. "Instruction, Cognitive Scaffolding, and Motivational Scaffolding in Writing Center Tutoring." Composition Studies I (2014): 54. Literature Resource Center. Web. 31 Aug. 2014. This article takes a unique approach to writing center instruction; it uses statistical information and theory to "validate" the effectiveness of step-by-step scaffolding in shaping client writing and learning.