20,000 BCE
Inhabitation of Francthi Cave
Period: 10,000 BCE to 7000 BCE
Mesolithic Era
9000 BCE
Francthi Cave Dwellers Gather Wild Oats and Barley
8000 BCE
Francthi Dwellers Domesticate Crops
Period: 7000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Neolithic Era
Permanent farming, domestication, and pots -
6800 BCE
China/Asia Domesticate Rice+Millet
Period: 6000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Lerna is a Small VIllage
5500 BCE
Sesklo Settlements Emerege
Hilltop village with signs of urbanization
Estimated 1500 inhabitants
Comparable to ANE -
5500 BCE
Dimini Settlements Emerge
Both in Thessaly
Estimated 1500 inhabitants
Central hall with smaller houses around it -
5400 BCE
Farming and Animal Husbandry Reach Europe
Period: 5000 BCE to 4000 BCE
Marble Nude Female Freestanding Figurine Created
4900 BCE
Mesoamerica Domesticates Maize and Squash
4000 BCE
Farming and Animal Husbandry Reach Britain
3000 BCE
Uruk has 50,000 Residents
They live in 500 acres of walled area -
3000 BCE
Inhabitation of Francthi Cave Ends
3000 BCE
Lerna Develops
It becomes a large town with big walls -
Period: 3000 BCE to 2100 BCE
Early Bronze Age
Social ranking emerges -
2500 BCE
Bronze Usage becomes Common
Period: 2250 BCE to 2100 BCE
Widespread Destruction
Lerna and other sites are destroyed
Indo-European speakers in Greece
Indo-European gods introduced into Greece
Pottery decoration changes
New house types
Grave and funerary behavior is new
Horses and chariots -
Period: 2100 BCE to 1600 BCE
Middle Bronze Age
2016 BCE
Alexander Contemplates Future Destination
1900 BCE
Palaces Emerge in Crete
Mainland contacts with Crete and Near East -
1800 BCE
Cretans Develop Linear A
1600 BCE
Mycenae and Other Sites become Power Centers
Small kingdoms emerge -
1600 BCE
Shaft Graves Emerge
1600 BCE
Thera Erupts
Period: 1600 BCE to 1200 BCE
Late Bronze Age
1582 BCE
Cecrops is King of Athens
Period: 1582 BCE to 299 BCE
Span of the Parian Marble
1500 BCE
Tholos Tombs Emerge
1490 BCE
Mycenaeans Take Over Crete
1450 BCE
Linear B is Developed
1400 BCE
New Palaces are Built in Greece
Period: 1400 BCE to 1200 BCE
Height of Mycenaean Power
1375 BCE
Knossos Destroyed
Period: 1250 BCE to 1225 BCE
Trojan War
1200 BCE
Dwellers of Franchthi Cave Visit Melos for Obsidian
Period: 1200 BCE to Dec 13, 800
Dark Age
1100 BCE
Dorian Greeks Settle in the Peloponnese
Period: 1100 BCE to 900 BCE
Large Population Movements in Near East
950 BCE
Lefkandi Usage Period
900 BCE
The Rise of the Polis
900 BCE
Spartans Conquest the Laconian Plain
Period: 900 BCE to 800 BCE
Beginning of the “Greek Miracle”
Period: 900 BCE to 750 BCE
Revival Period with Population Growth
Period: 900 BCE to 700 BCE
Greek Geometric Period
850 BCE
Archilochus of Paros
Wrote a song-poem which was outlawed in Sparta -
800 BCE
Temple Architecture becomes House-like
800 BCE
Corinth invents Black Figure Pottery
800 BCE
Lycurgus Instates Spartan Laws
or 700 -
800 BCE
Mimnermus of Smyrna writes song-poems
Period: 800 BCE to 700 BCE
Late Dark Age
Period of stasis as oligarchs fight
Persian Empire Expands (Media, Babylonia, Israel, Assyria, Lydia, Scythia) -
776 BCE
Founding date of the Olympics
775 BCE
Phase 1 of Colonization
Begins in the West with Pithekoussai -
757 BCE
Colonization of Cumae
750 BCE
Homeric Epics: Iliad and the Odyssey Written
Period: 750 BCE to 650 BCE
The Active Period of the Hoplite Army
Period: 740 BCE to 720 BCE
First Messenian War
733 BCE
Colonization of Syracuse
729 BCE
Colonization of Katane
720 BCE
Colonization of Sybaris
720 BCE
Colonization of Croton
716 BCE
Colonization of Rhegium
706 BCE
Colonization of Taras
700 BCE
Hesiod’s Works & Days, Theogony Written
700 BCE
Polis Boundaries Established
700 BCE
Kourous and Kore Statues Created
700 BCE
Hipponax of Ephesus Writes Poetry
Period: 700 BCE to 480 BCE
Archaic Period
685 BCE
Miletus Colonizes Chalcedon
685 BCE
Miletus Colonizes Heraclea
679 BCE
Miletus Colonizes Cyzicus
669 BCE
Second Messenian War
660 BCE
Miletus Colonizes Byzantium
650 BCE
Chigi Vase Created
650 BCE
Macmillan Aryballos Created
650 BCE
Eleusis Amphora Created
632 BCE
Cylon Conspiracy
630 BCE
Thera Colonizes Cyrene
620 BCE
Miletus Colonizes Sinope
620 BCE
Draco’s Law Code Instated in Athens
600 BCE
Phocaea Colonizes Massilia
600 BCE
Miletus Colonizes Panticapaeum
600 BCE
Lydians Begins to Mint Coins
590 BCE
Solon’s Reforms Begin
582 BCE
Pythian Games at Delphi Begin
581 BCE
Isthmian Games for Poseidon at Isthmia begin
580 BCE
Attica Kouros Created
580 BCE
Samos Kouros Created
573 BCE
Nemean Games at Nemea Begin
570 BCE
Francois Vase Created
560 BCE
Pisistratus Self-wound and Coup
560 BCE
Rebuilt Temple of Athena
560 BCE
Temple of Zeus Begins Construction
560 BCE
Croesus Rules Lydia
Period: 560 BCE to 510 BCE
Pisistratus and His Sons Rule Athens
Period: 559 BCE to 510 BCE
Cyrus II Rules Persia
555 BCE
Pisistratus Driven Out by Megacles
555 BCE
Pisistratus Returns
Aided by Megacles and Phye -
550 BCE
Miletus Colonizes Olbia
550 BCE
Athens Begins to Drive Corinth Out of Pottery Business
Period: 550 BCE to 510 BCE
Peloponnesian League
545 BCE
Battle of Pallene
540 BCE
Attic Amphora Created
534 BCE
Dionysia Begins
530 BCE
Athenian Red Figure Pottery is Created
527 BCE
End of rule of Pisistratus
Following his death,his sons took rule -
Period: 525 BCE to 456 BCE
Aeschylus Lives
Period: 521 BCE to 486 BCE
Darius Rules Persia
520 BCE
“Ancient Temple” of Athena Built
514 BCE
Hipparchus Assassinated
Co-ruler of Athens
Son of Pisistratus -
510 BCE
Attica Kouros Created
510 BCE
Hippias is Exiled
Co-ruler of Athens
Son of Pisistratus -
Period: 507 BCE to 501 BCE
Cleisthenes Reforms Athenian Law
Period: 500 BCE to 428 BCE
Anaxagoras Lives
499 BCE
Ionian Revolt
499 BCE
Pindar Begins to Write
497 BCE
Aristagoras Dies
Tyrant of Miletus -
494 BCE
Battle of Lade
Persian Empire vs. Greek Rebels -
494 BCE
Battle of Sepia
494 BCE
Advances in Science, Medicine, and Literacy
Period: 493 BCE to 433 BCE
Empedocles Lives
492 BCE
Mt. Athos Disaster
490 BCE
Darius' Invasion of the Marathon Plain in Attica
490 BCE
Battle of Marathon
489 BCE
Trial of Miltiades
484 BCE
Laurion Silver Strike
Period: 484 BCE to 425 BCE
Herodotus of Halicarnassus Lives
482 BCE
Ostracism of Aristides
481 BCE
Delphic Oracle “Put your faith in your wooden walls”
480 BCE
Battle of Thermopylae/Artemisium
Period: 480 BCE to 323 BCE
Classical Period
479 BCE
Battle of Plataea
478 BCE
Cimon Kicked Persians Out of Thrace
Period: 478 BCE to 477 BCE
Delian League is Born
477 BCE
Cimon established cleruchy on Scyros
Period: 477 BCE to 432 BCE
471 BCE
Themistocles Ostracized
470 BCE
Tholos Built
469 BCE
Battle of Eurymedon River
or 467 -
467 BCE
Anaxagoras Prosecuted for Impiety
Fled to the Hellespont -
461 BCE
Cimon Ostracized
461 BCE
Reforms of Ephialtes
Resulting assassination -
Period: 461 BCE to 429 BCE
Pericles Acted as a Leading Politician and Strategos
460 BCE
Eurymedon Vase (Hamburg) Created
Period: 460 BCE to 429 BCE
Periclean Building Program
Period: 460 BCE to 445 BCE
First Peloponnesian War
Period: 460 BCE to 395 BCE
Thucydides lives
Son of Oloros -
Period: 460 BCE to 377 BCE
Hippocrates Lives
Period: 460 BCE to 370 BCE
Democritus of Abdera Lives
Period: 454 BCE to 455 BCE
The Egyptian Debacle
Period: 454 BCE to 455 BCE
Delian League Treasury Transferred to Athens
451 BCE
Pericles Limits Citizenship in Athens
451 BCE
Herodotus Works on Histories
450 BCE
Athens Builds its Walls
450 BCE
Peace of Callias
450 BCE
Egesta Alliance
450 BCE
Approximate active period of Leusippus
Period: 450 BCE to 388 BCE
Aristophanes Lives
Period: 449 BCE to 440 BCE
Pericles’ Circuit of the Black Sea
447 BCE
Construction of the Parthenon Begins
447 BCE
Thucydides begins Histories
445 BCE
30 year Athenian and Spartan Peace is Agreed to
445 BCE
Athens Founds Brea
443 BCE
Athens Founds Panhellenic Colony at Thurii
440 BCE
Samos Revolts
440 BCE
Temple of Hephaestus Built
Period: 437 BCE to 432 BCE
Acropolis Propylaia Built
435 BCE
Stasis in Epidamnus
435 BCE
Battle of Leucimme
Period: 435 BCE to 431 BCE
Lead Up to the Peloponnesian War
433 BCE
Corcyra asks Athens for an Alliance
Athens sends 10 ships -
433 BCE
Battle of Sybota
432 BCE
Parthenon is Completed
432 BCE
Potidaea has a 2 Year Siege
432 BCE
Megara Decree
432 BCE
Thebes Attacks Platea
432 BCE
Peloponnesian League Votes to War with Athens
431 BCE
Macedon Expands
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
The Peloponnesian War
430 BCE
Plague Breaks Out in Athens
Period: 430 BCE to 370 BCE
Pasion Lives
Period: 429 BCE to 420 BCE
Temple of Athena Nike Built
Period: 428 BCE to 427 BCE
Revolt of Mytilene
425 BCE
Naval Battle at Pylos
Period: 424 BCE to 422 BCE
Spartan Brasidas Leads Campaigns
421 BCE
Peace of Nicias
Period: 421 BCE to 406 BCE
Erectheum Built
420 BCE
Debate about Renewing the War
416 BCE
Rivalries among Greek Colonies in Sicily
Period: 415 BCE to 413 BCE
The Sicilian Expedition and Disaster at Syracus
413 BCE
Athens Convenes Proboule
411 BCE
Lysistrata was Written
411 BCE
Assembly Gives all Power to the Four Hundred
410 BCE
Reconciliation- Democracy Restored
407 BCE
Alcibiades Returns to Athens
406 BCE
Battle of Notium
406 BCE
Battle of Arginusae
Followed by trial -
405 BCE
Battle of Aigospotamoi
405 BCE
Alcibiades Assassinated
404 BCE
Agis and Pausanias Moved Down from Decelea
404 BCE
Darius II Dies
Artaxexes takes the throne
Civil war -
403 BCE
Sparta Restores the Democracy
401 BCE
Crisis of the 4th Century
401 BCE
Anabasis or “March of the 10,000”
401 BCE
Battle of Cunaxa
Cyrus loses -
401 BCE
Agesilaus Invades Asia Minor
Period: 400 BCE to 323 BCE
Diogenes of Sinope, the Cynic, Lives
399 BCE
The Trial of Socrates
Period: 395 BCE to 387 BCE
Corinthian War
Lysander killed fighting in Boetia -
394 BCE
Sea Battle of Cnidus
394 BCE
The Return of Conon
387 BCE
The King’s Peace
Period: 387 BCE to 83 BCE
Plato’s Academy Exists
Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE
Aristotle Lives
Period: 382 BCE to 336 BCE
Philip II Lives
377 BCE
Second Athenian League Founded
371 BCE
Battle of Leuctra
Period: 369 BCE to 367 BCE
Philip II is a Hostage in Thebes
Period: 365 BCE to 275 BCE
Pyrrhon of Elis Lives and Establishes Skepticism
362 BCE
Thebes Invades Sparta
362 BCE
Battle of Mantinea
Sparta defeated
Epaminondas dies -
362 BCE
Stasis Ensues
357 BCE
Philip II Assumes Throne
Decides to overcome oppressors by reforming military
Torion Catapults (now take besieged cities) created
Takes Amphipolis -
352 BCE
Philip II becomes Thessalian League Archon
His force is doubled
Marched on Delphi and Athens panicked
They sent a force to Thermopylae to no avail
He observed their tactics -
348 BCE
Philip II Razes Olynthus (an Athenian ally) to the Ground
All are sold into slavery -
347 BCE
Aristotle Ends His Studies at the Academy
346 BCE
Peace Treaty of Philocrates
Period: 341 BCE to 270 BCE
Epicurus Lives and Establishes Epicureanism
340 BCE
Philip II Declares Open War, Siege to Byzantium
Period: 339 BCE to 338 BCE
Battle of Chaeronea with Alexander
337 BCE
League of Corinth Established
336 BCE
Philip assassinated by Pausanias
Alexander assumes control -
336 BCE
Kingdom of Macedon Expands
335 BCE
Aristotle Founds the Lyceum
Period: 335 BCE to 263 BCE
Zeno Lives and Establishes Stoicism
334 BCE
Alexander Masses Troops
334 BCE
Battle of Granicus
333 BCE
Battle of Issus
332 BCE
Siege of Tyre
332 BCE
Battle of Gaugamela
331 BCE
Alexandria Founded
330 BCE
Alexander Finds Darius Assassinated by Bessus
Bessus is promptly killed -
Period: 330 BCE to 327 BCE
Alexander Subdues Rebel Tribes in Bactria and Sogdiana
327 BCE
Alexander Marries Roxane
327 BCE
Alexander crosses the Hindu Kush
Khyber Pass -
326 BCE
King Porus and the Battle of Hydaspes
326 BCE
Alexander's Men Mutiny while Going Through the Punjab
324 BCE
Unification of Mankind
A celebration at Susa for conquering India
Alexander marries Stateira and Parysatis
Many officers take Persian/Median brides
Hephaestion dies -
323 BCE
Alexander Dies
June 10
Settlement of future ruler by Regency -
Period: 323 BCE to 322 BCE
Lamian War
Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE
Hellenistic Period
322 BCE
Battle of Amorgos
322 BCE
Dissolution of the Corinthian League
322 BCE
Death of Aristotle
322 BCE
Death of Demosthenes
322 BCE
Battle of Crannon
321 BCE
Antipater Becomes Regent
321 BCE
Invasion of Egypt
321 BCE
Death of Perdiccas
321 BCE
Ptolemy Steals Alenander’s Body
320 BCE
Cassander Assumes Some Control
Olympias assassinates Arrhidaeus and Eurydice
Cassander kills Olympias
Cassander confines Roxane and Alexander IV (never heard from again) -
Period: 318 BCE to 316 BCE
Revolt Against Polyperchon
317 BCE
Demitrius Becomes Tyrant of Athens
315 BCE
Freedom of Greeks Proclaimed by Antigonus
Period: 315 BCE to 311 BCE
4 year War Against Antigonus
Period: 315 BCE to 200 BCE
Naval Arms Race
311 BCE
Peace between Antigonus and Rivals
307 BCE
End of Tyranny of Demitrius
307 BCE
Antigonus’ Son Demitrius Invades Greece
Period: 307 BCE to 283 BCE
Foundation of the Museum and Library
306 BCE
Battle of Salamus
306 BCE
Antigonus and Demitrius Named Kings
306 BCE
Epicurus Founds Garden
305 BCE
Alexander’s Denerals Declares themselves Kings
Period: 305 BCE to 304 BCE
Siege of Rhodes
301 BCE
Battle of Ipsus
301 BCE
Death of Antigonus
Resulting division of his empire -
301 BCE
Zeno Founds Stoa
Period: 300 BCE to 246 BCE
The Construction of Pharos
Period: 300 BCE to 250 BCE
Coins from island Euboea
City of Karystos
Depicting cows and chickens -
283 BCE
Death of Ptolemy I
Accession of Ptolemy II -
281 BCE
Battle of Corupedium
281 BCE
Death of Lysimachus
281 BCE
Death of Seleucus
279 BCE
Invasion of the Gauls
264 BCE
Creation of the Parian Marble
246 BCE
Eratosthenes becomes Librarian at Alexandria
Period: 237 BCE to 222 BCE
Reign of Cleomenes III at Sparta
222 BCE
Battle of Sellasia
222 BCE
Exile of Clemenes III
End of his reforms -
Period: 200 BCE to 197 BCE
Second Macedonian War
196 BCE
Flamininus Proclaims Freedom of the Greeks
\Isthmian Games -
Period: 171 BCE to 168 BCE
Third Macedonian War
167 BCE
End of the Macedonian Monarchy
150 BCE
Ai Khanoum Destroyed by the Sakai
146 BCE
Sack of Corinth
146 BCE
Rome Annexes Macedon and Greece
31 BCE
Battle of Actium
30 BCE
Suicides of Marc Antony and Cleopatra VII
30 BCE
Rome Annexes Egypt
Hadrian Completes Temple of Zeus started by Pisistratus
Period: 340 to 338 BCE
Athens and Macedon at War
End of Olympic Games
Lord Elgin Creates Controversy
He's the best or worst
I think he's the worst though -
Period: to
Heinrich Schliemann Ciscovers Ruins
Walled city he identified as Troy -
Schliemann Discovers Mycenae
Sir Arthus Evans Discovers Knossos