The West and Populism

  • Relations with the Indians

    They established a reservation for the Sioux Tribe, in exchange for the removal to reservations the US government promised food,supplies and to be left alone. settlers continued to flood into the Indian lands which leads to conflict.
  • Indian wars

    Violence broke out between the Indians and US. The reason why this is because the Government promised to not impede the reservation, and gold was discovered in the Black Hills.
  • The Homestead Act

    It was a 160 acres land to give the settlers to work and live on. 2/3 of farmers find it difficult to be on the land, the reason for this is because drought,insects,and harsh weather.
  • The Mechanization of Argiculture

    High crop prices for wheat and corn encourage large scale, single crop production in the west. Farmers began to invest into more land and need capital to purchase machinery.
  • The Destruction of Indian Civization

    The US decided to have an Indian school where young kids were sent away to learn English,white customs and other things. They do this to attempt Indians to become civilized.
  • Dawes Severatly Act

    The continuation of the attempt by setting up individual ownership. Grants 160 acres to family heads. promises full citizenship and full possessing of the land, if the Indians behave like "good white settlers" for 25 years.