Breaking Into Headquarters
Five men were caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters. -
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The Watergate Scandal
Someone reported that one of the burglars that broke into the headquarters had worked for Nixon’s re-election committee. -
Stolen Check
A check that was originally meant for Nixon’s re-election campaign was found, deposited in a burglar’s bank account. -
Secret Fund
The head of Nixon’s re-election campaign, John Mitchell, was controlling a secret fund for spying on the Democrats. -
Nixon was then re-elected for president even though it seemed like the people did not want him to be president. -
Stepping Down One By One
Two of President Nixon’s aides resigned, and then the attorney of General Richard Kleindiest steps down. -
Nationally Telivising the Hearings
The Senate Watergate Committee bean to nationally televise hearings. -
Secret Recordings
It was the revealed that Nixon had been secretly recording conversations in the Oval Office. -
“Saturday Night Massacre”
The “Saturday Night Massacre” happens when Nixon ordered the firing of the special prosecutor, Archibald Cox, which led to the resignation of the Attorney General and his deputy. -
The Oval Office Tapes
The Supreme Court orders Nixon to release the Oval Office Tapes. -
Nixon’s Resignation
After facing near-certain impeachment, Nixon announced his resignation. -
Gerald Ford becomes President
Nixon officially resigns, and this makes Vice President Gerald Ford the new president.