timeline project Othmaeva Valcourt 1st period

  • Industrialization

    Industrialization is when the economic makes a change from a human, agricultural society to a being industrial. Good manufacturing where their is laboring.
  • The Civil war

    The Civil war
    The civil war started on January 1861 When the secession of South Carolina With ten others states joined to make a confederate state
  • The Civil War:The Battal On Fort Sumter

    The Civil War:The Battal On Fort Sumter
    When the command of the Confederate forced Charleston to opene fire on Fort Sumter. Major Robert Anderson, garrison commander,Finally surrendered to South Carolina.
  • The Civil War:Emancipation Proclamation

    The Civil War:Emancipation Proclamation
    the Emancipation Proclamation was in september 1868 when Abraham Lincoln, started ,freeing all the slaves that were still enslaved in rebellion states.
  • Reconstruction

    the reconstruction is a period of time when black codes were paseed and when president wanted voters to pledge to the Union and to see the end of slavery
  • Industrialization: Social Darwinism

    Industrialization: Social Darwinism
    Includes a saying " Survival Of The Fittest" which was written by Charles Dawin. where the weathy become stonger in wealth and the less weathy people become weaker in wealth.
  • Recontruction: Economics

    Recontruction: Economics
    the reconstruction economics invlolved sharecroppers whiched exchanged their valuables with their landlords for parts of their crops, new south which included more crop diversity , railroads and manufacturing.
  • Reconstruction:The end of reconstruction

    Reconstruction:The end of reconstruction
    When the end of reconstruction came accros Rutherfod B. Hayestook in all of his troops to win the disputed in 1877 presidentail election. in the addition to that the African Americans were excessively terroized and killed by the kkk (Ku Klux Klan.
  • Industrialization: African-American and Women Inventors

    Industrialization: African-American and Women Inventors
    Their were many different people who were inventors but these people were African American and some of them were also women. Elijah Mccoy invented oil-drip cups, Sarah Goode invented the Fold-away bed which we mostly call a sofa bed. My favorite is isMAdam C.J. Walker which invented hair-care mainly for the African American women.
  • Gilded Age: Andrew Carnegie

    Gilded Age: Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie is a scottish immigrant, when he came to the United States of America he built a steel company empire which was located in Pittsburgh.His company was also based on Vertical intergration.
  • Imperialism

    During the American Imperialism the Spanish American War occurred in (1898). the American Imperialism had an American Colonial Empire.
  • Imperialism: The Spanish-American War

    Imperialism: The Spanish-American War
    The causes of the Spanish-American War occured because the Cubans want to have their Independence which they became very rebellious going into the 1895. the U.S fought with Spaine and won With help from the Rough Riders which were in Cuba.
  • Imperialism: yellow journalism

    Imperialism: yellow journalism
    Yellow Journalist were sensational reports who went out in their own intersts to put and show other Americans. Which they also had the desire to intervene, in their research.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    The World War 1 broke out in Europe because of Nationalism the economy and milatarism. It also borke out because of the Emperalism.
  • Gilded age: Panama Canal

    Gilded age: Panama Canal
    This is when the Panama canal was complete which allowed boat traffic to go throug. It also allowed trading ships to pass trough a cetain capacity.
  • World War 1: Nationalism

    World War 1: Nationalism
    Nationalism is the rivalries between the Great Powers since they wanted everything to go their way, that created competition and a lot of conflict. Which is another reason why the World War one broke out.This was also the time when they were recruiting men to go into the war.
  • World War 1: German Subemarine Warfare

    World War 1: German Subemarine Warfare
    The British use Blockade on German against bringing ships that it being occupiedwith supplies to Britain. And Germany declared unrestricter submarine warfare by sinking many ships with merchants. And war was declared by Germany.
  • Roaring 20's: The Red Scare

    Roaring 20's: The Red Scare
    During the Red Scare 2 italian anarchists were threw in jail for muder in 1920, and after the the trial they were exucted. During the Red Scare there were many different strikes with bombings which were caused by the anarchists. Because of the American became scared of the communist.
  • Roaring 20's

    Roaring 20's
    The roaring 20's was also called the time of Jass, the age of beautiful modern music and art and different ideas.the time when women were allowed to wear loose clothing which were called Flappers.
  • Roaring 20's: 19th Amendment

    Roaring 20's: 19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment gave women to vote , it gave women more freedom in. Education and in working in factories etc. During the 19th Amendment the flappers wore loose clothing and when out with no chaperones.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression was caused because of high tariffs it also happened because stock market. Dust storms also caused great Depression.
  • The Great Depression:Black Tuesday

    The Great Depression:Black Tuesday
    Stock market has crashed. pices has drpped and no one anywhere wants to buy from you so you can't sell. this was an economic problem which also cause the Great Depression.
  • Great Depression: Dust Bowl

    Great Depression: Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl was caused by many droughts with a mixture of unsuitable plowing techniques. The effect of is that farmers were not able to grow their crops the animals died and people lost their homes.
  • World War II

    World War II
    World war two is the second world war to happen, which lasted 1935 to 1945.It included many different nations and with the great powers.the holocast occured during the world war 1.
  • World War II: The Neutrality Act Of 1939

    World War II: The Neutrality Act Of 1939
    In the Neutrality Act of 1939 President Roosevelt was worried of how he could help the british, which was fighting Germany. The Neutrality Act of 1939 they made Cash And Carry more of a bigger situation.
  • World War II: Fall of France

    World War II: Fall of France
    The Fall of France was defeated by Germany when Germany Denmark and Norway. Germany dereated France by marching through out its cities:Holland and Belgium.
  • Cold War: Truman Doctrine

    Cold War: Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine want the United States to provide help to all people to which resisted communism. The Truman Doctrine also wanted to help the military and give economic help to Turkey and greece.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    After the world war II the civil war broke out, which was not an actual war it was war of political, economical and soical differences. It was a war between the soviet union and the communist dictatorship.
  • Cold War: Mashall Plan

    Cold War: Mashall Plan
    The Marshall plan is at period of time when United States wanted to help country of Western Europe. To help them repair their economy problems by providing them with their economy aid.
  • The Civil Rights Movement:Malcolm X

    The Civil Rights Movement:Malcolm X
    Malcolm X became a part of the Nation of Islam when he was held in jail. Because of his belief of Blacks should not be seperated from everyone else. Unlike Martin Luther King Jr. he want the African Americans should fight for their rights.
  • The Vietnam War: Domino Theory

    The Vietnam War: Domino Theory
    The Domino Theory was known as the ideas that if we all don't become one we as all the nations will fall like dominos. Which was under the SEATO , which democracy would do good benifits to Vietnam.
  • The Civil Rights Movement

    The Civil Rights Movement
    The Civil Rights Movement was a huge soical movement, which included many deffernt marches of a spacific reason. The Civil Rights Movement occured because of descrimination against the African American.
  • The Vietnam war

    The Vietnam war
    The vietnam war was fought in North Vietnam which got help from the Soviet Union.Because of the Vietnam war they took most of the weight of the war on their shoulders many were killed and places were destroyed.
  • The Civil Rights Movement:Freedom Summer

    The Civil Rights Movement:Freedom Summer
    The Freedom Summer was an organization to allow the blacks to be able to vote in the state of Mississippi. Durning this organization many people who help with organization were,at some point; being attacked or killed by the KKK members.
  • The Vietnam War: N.O.W

    The Vietnam War: N.O.W
    N.O.W stand for the National Organization for Women. In 1966 women were inspired by the Civil Rights Movement. So they creatd their own organization and marched their way to the right to vote.
  • Industrialization: America's second Industrail Revolution

    Industrialization: America's second Industrail Revolution
    The second Industial Revolution is an era when they've created new inventions such as Telegraph the Elevator and sewing machine. the rising of the corporation have occured.
  • Gilded age

    Gilded age
    The Gilded age is a period of time when there was a a rapid increase in the economy in the West as also in the North. Which also forced many people into forced labor.