Napoleonic Wars
Rising tensions in Europe resulted in the first trade prohibitions placed upon the United States between France and Britain (went from 1803-1815)
Natives started siding with the British here as to protect their lands; it was the lesser of two evils -
The Battle of Trafalgar
British Destroying French Navy {in response to Napoleon's Continental Systems} - "Orders in Council" ; dictated that all (US) ships had to go visit Great Britain first (in retaliation to the French) -
Impressment continues
the British were running low on naval officers since many defected, so they began kidnapping Americans aboard ships and forcing them to enlist in the British Navy -
The Leopard-Chesapeake Affair
American commander James Barron refused to allow the British to search the Chesapeake (American ship), so the Leopard (British ship) opened fire -
Embargo Act
Jefferson was fed up with the whole situation so he made this act stating that the US would not trade with ANY foreign country; tanked American economy and indirectly spurred the industrial revolution in the Americas -
Non-Intercourse Act
Madison came in and lifted part of the Embargo Act, stating that the US could trade will all foreign countries (excluding France and Britain) that respected American ships (aka no impressment) and that recognized that the seas were neutral/free territory; -
Senate Election
There was an election in the senate in which many war hawks were elected which sparked and fueled the ideas for war; they egged the people on. -
The Seizing of West Florida
This was a territory of Spain who was allied with Britain at the time; seized West Florida and the Spanish fort at Baton Rouge; West Florida was then made a US territory, and it's seizing fueled the desire for more Spanish territory (the rest of Florida) and for Canada. -
Battle of Tippecanoe
William Henry Harrison camped near Prophetstown and provoked a battle on November 7, 1811. They lost just as many as the Natives but drove off Indians and burned down the town -
Declaration of War
America declares war on Britain after a while of fighting battles against one another and sort of skirting war. -
1st Invasion of Canada
Resulted in HUGE defeat; Tecumseh chased the Americans out of Canada to Detroit, which they were forced to hand over. -
Indians win Fort Dearborn (Fort Dearborn Massacre)
(it wasn't actually a massacre) While the Americans were fighting in Canada, the Indians attacked Fort Dearborn, now known as Chicago, and won, taking control of the fort -
Battle of Lake Erie
Oliver Perry got rid of the British fleet in Put-in-Bay; made another invasion of Canada possible; able to seize control of Lake Erie. -
Battle of the Thames
William Henry Harrison went up the Thames into Canada to fight the British and Natives; won, killing Tecumseh; a very decisive American victory -
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
1st battle fought in which Natives and Americans fought together; Americans, Cherokee, & Lower Creek people fought against the rest of the Creek people (who sided mainly with Tecumseh and the British) - the tribes ended up ceding the lands to the Americans -
British Invasion/ the Burning of the Capital
The British secretly landed in America and marched towards the capital, of which they burned and pilfered all they could
(here is when Dolly Madison saved a portrait of G. Washington[only to find it was a copy]). After this they marched towards Baltimore and Ft. McHenry (see American Victory at Fort McHenry). -
Battle of Plattsburgh
[Battle of Lake Champlain] Repelled another British invasion at New York; turned back much larger British force; ended the final invasion of the northern states. preface to Ft. McHenry -
American Victory at Fort McHenry
Following the burning of the Capital the British march towards Baltimore, towards Fort McHenry in hopes that they can burn; carried on the entire night and in the morning the American flag was still waving - Francis Scott Key penned the Star Spangled Banner after this image and the events that had just taken place -
Battle of Pensacola
Jackson seized the Spanish Port from Spain, who had the support of Britain; Jackson had 3000 troop attack from the east to avoid fire; the British ended up abandoning the port leaving the Spanish to surrender it to Jackson -
The Treaty of Ghent
This treaty was signed between the British and the Americans, effectively ending the war of 1812; no one really got anything. America got no more lands like they'd hoped, and Britain did not regain control of America -
Battle of New Orleans
Occurred right after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent- no one told Andrew Jackson the war was over...; the British were crushed, it happened to be one of the most decisive battles of the war, even though it was after the treaty...