The War of 1812

By caflom
  • President Madison offering France and Great Britain a deal: if the agree to cease attacks on American ships, the US will stop trading with their enemy

    Treaty of Ghent
  • Battle of Tippecanoe Creek

    Tecumseh went south to expand the confederacy Harrison attacked prophetstown on the Tippecanoe river. The Americans won but Tecumseh joined forces with the British.
  • The date that US Naval Commander Oliver Hazard Perry captured a British fleet on Lake Erie

  • Battle of Thames River

    On October 5, 1813, Harrison led an army of 3,500 American troops against a combined force of eight hundred British soldiers and five hundred American Indian warriors at Moraviantown, along the Thames River in Ontario, Canada.
  • British attack Washington D.C. and burn the Capitol and White House

    The British sailed into chesapeake bay on Auqust 24th 1814. They were planning to burn everything related to the government but the thunderstorm put the fire out.
  • British attack Baltimore

    The British sailed north to Baltimore in mid September. The people of Baltimore were prepared and won the battle.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    British troops advanced on January 8th 1815 and Jackson's soldiers hid behind hay bales that absorbed the bullets. Hundreds of soldiers died in the battle but the American won.
  • Napoleon's defeat in Europe, allowing the British to commit more troops to the war in the U.S.

    After the battle of lake chaplain the British decided the war in North America was to unnecessary and costly.