British impressment on American sailors
Of all the causes for the War of 1812, the impressment of American sailors into the Royal Navy was the most important for many Americans. -
Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain
Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain but it results in economic disaster for American merchants and is discontinued in 1809. -
The Battle of Tippecanoe
The Battle of Tippecanoe (in present-day Indiana), considered the first battle of the War of 1812, takes place between Tecumseh's brother, The Prophet, and William Henry Harrison's army. -
America declares war on Britain
The United States declared war on Britain in 1812. It did so because Britain refused to stop seizing American ships that traded with France—Britain's enemy in Europe. Sometimes there were also seizures of American sailors. -
British burn Washington D.C.
The British burn Washington, DC in retaliation for the burning of York. President James Madison flees the Capital. -
The Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Ghent: Americans and British diplomats agree to the terms of a treaty and return to the status quo from before the war. -
The Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson defeats the British at the Battle of New Orleans.