The War of 1812

  • President Madison takes Office

    President Madison takes Office
    When James Madison took office in 1809 tenisons were high with Britian, Americans were mad at Britian for attacking the Native Americans in the northwest.
  • War Hawks take Power

    War Hawks take Power
    Clay, Calhoun and their surrporters call themselves the war hawks (those are the people eager for war). Englanders thought war with Britain would harm American trade.
  • Relations with Great Britian Worsen

    Relations with Great Britian Worsen
    Relations worsen with Great Britian in the early months of 1812. Britian told United States that they would continue impressing sailers. Meanwhile Native Americans are under attack.
  • Congress Declares War on Britian

    Congress Declares War on Britian
    In june Congress declared war on Britian. War didn't come at a good time for Britian with soilders still fighting in Europe.
  • America is not ready for War

    America is not ready for War
    Jefferson's spending cuts had decreased the size of the army greatly. The navy haqd 15 warships. The army had fewer than 7,000 men.
  • Britian Blockades American Ports

    Britian Blockades American Ports
    On the first days of war the Britian navy setup a blockade of American ports. By 1814 the British navy had 135 warships blockading American ports. The Bitish navy were able to close off all American ports.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    Warhawks demanded an invasion of Canada to throw off the British rule. An American gerenal named Willam Hull tried to invade but surrendered.
  • USS Constitution Scores a Victory

    USS Constitution Scores a Victory
    The begginging of war the USS Constitution and the Gurriere clashed in a major battle the Constitution took little damage because of its thick side walls. The British took navy damage and lost both masts.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Controlling lake Erie was very important to both sides battle took place in put-in-bay. This time the American ship was damaged badly, yet Americans took over Erie.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    In march 1813 the native Americans were attacked. Andrew Jackson took control of forces in Georgia. Jackson's army won the battle.
  • Washing D.C Attacked and Burned

    Washing D.C Attacked and Burned
    The British had a stratagie and wanted to capture the capital. In August 1814 the British marched into Washington and set fire to the white house.
  • Writing of the Star Spangle Banner

    Writing of the Star Spangle Banner
    A boy named Franis Scott Key watched the attack of the white house and wrote the Star Spangle Banner of the back of an evevolope.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    Some delegates suggested New England secede from the United States. The delegates didnt know about treaty, they found out after the convention ended.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The talk begin, on christmas eve 1814 the two sides signed a peace treaty saying things would return to normal.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    News of the treaty took serveral months, Jackson and his men fought one last battle and won victory.