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The War of 1812

  • The British are Coming!

    The British are Coming!
    "James Madison delivers a report regarding British interference and impressment of sailors." This was not the big alarm "the british are coming" but they were interfering with the American ships;
  • Economic Disasters

    "Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain but it results in economic disaster for American merchants and is discontinued in 1809." The American Merchants were not very happy for their trading businesses because they were discontinued.
  • America declares war on Great Britain.

    America declares war on Great Britain.
    " America declares war on Great Britain." America were quicker than Britain and jumped to it. They declared war in 1812.
  • William Hull enters Canada

    William Hull enters Canada
    "General William Hull enters Canada. This is the first out of three failed attempts by the U.S. to invade Canada." The U.S. had been trying so hard to invade Canada and finally, they made it.
  • Baltimore Riot

    Baltimore Riot
    "Riots break out in Baltimore in protest of the war." Protesters from all over came to Baltimore, Maryland to riot against the Congress and the war.
  • Killed at the scene!

    Killed at the scene!
    "General Isaac Brock is killed at the Battle of Queenston Heights (Canada)." Issac was killed by the citizens of the Canadian territory.
  • You just got Roasted!

    You just got Roasted!
    "U.S. troops capture and burn the city of York (present-day Toronto)." York Town was burnt down to the ground in 1813.
  • British are defeated at the Battle of Lake Erie.

    British are defeated at the Battle of Lake Erie.
    "Captain Perry defeats the British at the Battle of Lake Erie." captain Perry was wise enough to defeat the british. He could do anything!
  • War over

    Madison declares the war as over in 1815