Dudes 2

the war of 1812

  • President Madison takes office

    President Madison takes office
    American were angry at Britain for arming Native Americans in Northwest.
  • War Hawks takes power

    War Hawks takes power
    Opposition to war was strongest in New England.
  • Relations with Great Britain

    Relations with Great Britain
    The British yold the United States they would continue impressing sailors.
  • Congress declares warton worse

    Congress declares warton worse
    Britain was not walling to meet American demands to avoid war
  • American is not ready for war

    American is not ready for war
    American were confident that they would win. The United States was not prepared for war.
  • Britain blockedes American ports

    Britain blockedes American ports
    British navy had 135 warships blockanding American ports after reinforcing their troops the British were able to close off all American ports by warend
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    American troops under genera william hull invaded Canada from detroit. Fearing he did not have enough soldiers he soon retreated.
  • VSS constitution scores avictory

    VSS constitution scores avictory
    The vss constitution defeated the British warship Guerriere in a firece battle.
  • Battle of lake Erie

    Battle of lake Erie
    Oliver Hazard perry switched to another ship and continued the fight until it was won. "we have not met the enemy and they are ours.
  • Battle of Horeseshoe bend

    Battle of Horeseshoe bend
    The treaty that ended the fighted forced the creeks to give up millions of acres of land.
  • Washington DC attaked and burned

    Washington DC attaked and burned
    The british set fire to several government buildings including the white house.
  • Writing of the star spangled banner

    Writing of the star spangled banner
    Congress made it the natinal anthem of the Uniteed States.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    Delegets to the hartford convention suggested that the New England states seceds from the united States.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The two sides singned the treaty of Ghent which endedthe war. the treaty returnd things to the way they had been before the war.
  • Battle of New Orlens

    Battle of New Orlens
    American forces under General Anderw Jakesdon won a stunning victory over the British at the battle of New orleans