The War of 1812

  • Britain places restrictions on U.S. trade

    (This is a cause of the war and I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but it was sometime before June 18, 1812)
  • America has a desire to expand its territory

    (This is a cause of the war and I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but it was sometime before June 18, 1812)
  • The Royal Navy removes seamen from U.S. merchant ships and forces them to serve for the British

    (This is a cause of the war and I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but it was sometime before June 18, 1812)
  • Michigan was captured by the British.

  • The War of 1812 (between the U.S. and Britain) begins.

  • The Battle of Lake Erie

  • Washington D.C. was captured by the British

  • Fort McHenry was attacked for 25 hours by the British Navy

  • The Treaty of Ghent was signed