War of 1812 wallpaper

The war of 1812

  • president madison takes office

    when madison took office ameracans were mad becuse britain was giveing natives wapens.
  • Period: to

    The war of 1812

    this will have bits and parts of the war
  • war hawks takes power

    when henry clay and john c. calnan both become laders of the houes of represendadives.
  • relations with great britain woresen

    the british would keep capuring traders and natives were stil fihgting ameracanes
  • congress declares war on beriton

    the ameracanes wante to start a war agin!
  • america is not ready for war

    america did not have the supplies or man for war
  • briton blockades americas trade rote

    they blockaded the coast from trade and shipping
  • invasion of canada

    the canadeans were thinking about over throwink the britiosh rule
  • us.s. constitution scores avictory

    the americans started to push them back from ower lakes and rivers
  • battle of lake erie

    oliver hazared parry was a leader of battles
  • battle of hores shoe bend

    jackson lead solders to the beat the creeks. they did win that battle
  • washington d.c. attacteed and burred

    the biritosh disided to distroy the capitle
  • writing of the stare spangled baner

    the new treaty with briton was made and sined
  • hart ford convention

    he wanted to get new englaned will get betor
  • treaty of geant

    this was the finl treaty with greeat biriton
  • battle of new orleans

    a big battle won by the ameracines