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the war of 1812

  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    it was a battle between Tippecanoe and the american army to clear the indian tribes out of america
  • Fort Michilimackinac surrenders

    fort michilimackinac surrenders to british troops cause they overran them
  • us declares war on great britain

    after british warships keep on killing and sinking us merchant ships the us declares war on great britain
  • the burning of washington

    the british pushed back the americans to washington and then they burned the white house and the capitol
  • Battle of the Thames

    the Battle of the Thames was a Decisive American victory against the british soldiers and also in the battle they killed Tecumseh, and it was the fall of the Fall of Tecumseh's Confederacy
  • Battle of Queenston Heights

    the Battle of Queenston Heights happened in beginning of the war and the war was fought in the upper of canada and it resulted in a british victory
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    Siege of Fort Meigs

    in late april and early may the british and natives around that area came and tried to siege fort meigs but they failed and the americans had the victory
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    Battle at Sackets Harbor

    the Battle at Sackets Harbor happend in a small town in lake ontario the british heard that there was an american squadron there and they wen to go take them out and when they got there the american squadron butchered the british ships
  • Battle of River Raisin

    american soldiers massacred Michigan native Americans
  • Capture of Fort Niagara

    the capture of fort niagara was a british victory and the british won cause of a quick attack that caused the british to seige the fort
  • Battle of Lundy’s Lane

    the Battle of Lundy’s Lane was a mess battle we don't know who won the war but it was one of the bloodiest
  • Bombardment of Fort McHenry

    the Bombardment of Fort McHenry was a stunning victory for the americans since the british had the sea advantage and they had a stronger force
  • Battle of Bladensburg

    the battle of bladensburg took place in the Chesapeake campaign and it took place in maryland and it resulted in a british victory
  • Treaty of Ghent

    the treaty of ghent was a treaty signed between the us and the british ending the war of 1812
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    The Battle of New Orleans

    the battle of The Battle of New Orleans was an american victory and the leader of the army andrew jackson lead the american army into a victory and the cool thing is that the treaty of ghent was already signed