The War of 1812

  • President MadisonTakes Office

    President MadisonTakes Office
    James Madison got voted by America. They voted for him when tension was high with Britain. They voted for him because they thought the country was in danger.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    The war hawks are the people who are eager for war with the British. The English though thought that fighting would harm trade. They felt really dangered. The relations with the British Worsened
  • Relations With Great Britain Worsen

    Relations With Great Britain Worsen
    The relations became worse. The British said they would keep impressing sailors. Native Americans began attack. Congress was thinking of war with Britian.
  • Congress Declares War On Britain

    Congress Declares War On Britain
    Congress decided to declare war against Britain. The war came at a bad time for the British. They would not stop the war though.
  • America Is Not Ready For War

    America Is Not Ready For War
    Turns out America was to weak for war. Jeffersons spending weakened the military. The navy only had 16 war ships. The army was only 7000 men.
  • Invasion Of Canada

    Invasion Of Canada
    The war hawks wanted some Canadians to throw British rule. American troops invaded Canada, but soon retreated. The British captured some Americans and forced them to surrender.
  • British Blockade American Ports

    British Blockade American Ports
    The British shut the port down. They had 135 ships against the port of America. They were able to close all ports.
  • USS Constitution Scores A Victory

    USS Constitution Scores A Victory
    The war was at sea. The USS Constitution wanted to fight a royal navy frigate. They fought James R. Dacres. They set his ship on fire and it soon blew up.
  • The Second Battle of Sackets Harbor

    The Second Battle of Sackets Harbor
    The British traveled away from Britain. They tried to capture the town of Sackets Harbor. The place was actually a base for American naval fleet near the harbor. The British got captured by the Americans.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The United States Navy captured 6 ships of the British Navy. That showed that Americans had the control of that lake for the war. This war helped them with some of the other wars.
  • Battle Of Thames

    Battle Of Thames
    Native Americans fought in the South.They tried to attack the American settlers. Unfortunately they were defeated. Andrew Jackson took command of the Americans.
  • Battle of Horshoe Bend

    Battle of Horshoe Bend
    Andrew Jackson defeated the Creeks. They made a treaty about peace among them. The treaty gave up millions of acres of land to Andrew Jackson.
  • Battle of Fort Oswego

    Battle of Fort Oswego
    The British tried to raid the American fort. They sort of were able to do that. Mostly they did, but they did not make success raiding all of Americans fort.
  • Attack on Baltimore & The Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Attack on Baltimore & The Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    England lost the American colonies. The British were going to attack the American army. They attacked the white house. But some person saw the american flag still standing, and new they were not defeated. Afterwards, Francis Scott wrote "the Star Spangled Banner"
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    Battle of Plattsburgh
    The British went on the lake side of Plattsburgh. They tried to attack. The Americans lost. Plattsburgh was captured. The battle was before the Peace Treaty of Ghent.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    People grouped in Hartford. They discussed about England leaving the United States. Some agreed and some disagreed. News of the peace treaty arrived. The convention ended.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Britain had gotten tired of war. Peace began in Trent. On Christmas Eve, They signed the treaty. Everything was the way it used to be after that.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    They fought one more battle to get it out of there system. American forces won there victory against the British. The person who led them was Andrew Jackson.