Period: to
The War of 1812
Madsion takes office
- Madsion helped write the constitution *Madsion hoped to keep America out of war *Madsion won the election
War Hawks take power
*president James Madsion did not want war
*the south and west wanted war
*they were called the war hawks -
relationship with the british worsen
*british giveing guns and ammunition to the native americans
*the british encroge the indans to attace the americans
*the americans contu to trade with frans but not with the british -
congress declares war on britain
*it stared when the british blocaged america.
*congress declares war
* they spred the news to britan -
America is not redy for war
*the navy had 160 ships
*the british had a fleet of ships
*congress had to relie on volinters and who ever helped wouled get $124 and 360 acers of farm land. -
british bloke american ports
*to stop the americans frome trading with other contrys the british had to bloked the americans ports.
*they trip to stop it
*isicc hull stoped the blok -
invasion of canada
*led by isaac brok.
*the british left a messag with false info in americas hands
* americans retreted -
uss constion scores a victory
*isaac hull captin of the uss constion spots a british ship named guerriere
* for nerly a hour the 2 ships jokyed for poshion.
*the uss shot holes in to the british and they score a victory -
battel of lake erie
*the americans wanted lake erie
*so did britan
* but the americans won it -
battel of thames
*the british retred from lake erie but come back
*the americans were under willime harrison
*but the british won -
horseshoe bend
*after losing controll of lake erie the british retreted
*the americans helped out the cherickey
*the leder of the crikey surrederd -
the british brun down washition
*the british marec to washiton dc
*the americans were not redy
*the british buren down the white house -
attack on baltmore
*the key to baltmores defens was fort monarcy
*the british bomed baltamor
*the british withdrew and the americans won -
writing the star spangeled banner
*while the british were bruning down the white house franse scott key was writing a pome
*it was called the star spangeled banner
*after the british left the pome france scoot key wrot became our natinal anthem -
hartfored convetion
- most were fedrelist *they disliked the republkion presdent and war *hartfrod convetion ended qikley with the war over the protest was meningless
trety of ghent
*nothing was ajusted nothing was setteled
*no imprisonment
*they feel and act more as a nation -
battle of new orlenes
*british sailed up the mississippi river
*however andrew jakson was witing for the british
*the americans win the battle of new orlenes