The War of 1812

  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

    Samantha Gardner
    Period 3
  • President Madison takes office

    Thomas Jefferson was involved because the Americans were angry at the British for arming the Native Americans in the Northwest. Tensions were high between the British and Americans. The relations between the British and Americans worsened.
  • War Hawks Take Power

    John Calhoun and Henry Clay became leaders in the House of Representatives. Their supporters were called War Hawks. They were eager to go to war.
  • Relations with Great Britian Worsen

    In 1812 the relationships worsened between the British. Later on the British told the United States they would continue impressing on the sailors. During this the Native Americans in the Northwest began new attacks on frontier settlements.
  • Congress Declares War on Britian

    The British were still fighting in Europe, when war came. They were unwilling to agree with the Americans demands to avoid war. To protect Canada against American invasions, they were providing Native Americans with guns.
  • America is not Ready for War

    The Americans thought they would win the war with the British. Soon it showed the US was not prepared at all. Spending cuts by Jefferson had hurt military strengths. The Navy only had 16 warships ready for war, and also the Army was very small with less than 7,000 men.
  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    The beginning of the war the British decided to blockade the American coast. Blockade is the shutting off a port or road to prevent people or supplies from coming in or leaving. In 1814 The British had an overwhelming amount of warships, blockading the American ports. They were able to close off all Americans ports by the end of the war.
  • Invasion of Canada

    War Hawks were eager for an invasion of Canada. Americans thought the Canadians would want the help to overthrow British rule. The Americans invaded through Detroit but soon retreated. During the retreat the British captured more than 2000 American soliders, the US lost against the British.
  • USS Constitution scores a victory

    A huge sea batlle was fought in the beginning of the war in the Atlantic Ocean. The USS Constitution had beat the British warship called Guerriere in a hard fought battle. The American sailors had named the Constitution '' Old Ironsides'' because it withstood Britiain artillary. It seemed as the Constituion was ''Unsinkable''.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    The Americans were ready for a battle against the British. This war was located on the western part of Lake Erie called Put-In-Bay. The American flagship was damaged during the war. Oliver Hazard Perry ( An American commander) decided to step up and keep fighting against the British in the war, he switched to a different ship. He didnt give up until he won. The Americans controlled the lake which forced British to leave and retreat back to where they came from.
  • Battle of Thames

    When British retreated from Lake Erie, General Harrison pursued them. The Americans followed the British to Canada and defeated them in combat. During the battle Tecumseh was killed.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    The Native Americans were defeated in the south. In summer the Southern American settlers got attacked by Creek Warriors. An important person named Andrew Jackson took leadership of American forces in Georgia. Jackson had won the battle against the Creeks.
  • Washington, D.C Attacked and Burned

    The British were on to something new this time. They wanted to attack Washington D. C. The President's wife named Dolley Madison, gathered the Presidents important files and papers together for the President. The British fired at the White House and other important buildings in that area. The British couldn't defeat Washington.
  • Attack on Baltimore

    The British wanted to defeat the Americans in another battle in Balitmore. They decided to attack Fort McHenry. Fort McHenry was Balitmore's harbor. The Americans were bombed once again by the British in the night. A young American named Francis Scott Key, witnessed the attack. The American flag was still flying over the fort in the morning. It was seen by Key. The Americans had won another battle.
  • Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Key had become famous for a poem he wrote. This poem later on became a song it was called '' The Star Spangled Banner''. He told about what he saw of the British attacking Baltimore. It became the United States new song the national anthem.
  • Hartford Convention

    A group of Federalists met in New Hartford, Connecticut to discuss whether or not the New England states should become independent. The delegates thought that secede would be the choice for the New England states. The delegates were deciding when the peace treaty arrived.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent ended the war for now. It gave peace between the two sides (Britian and America). The U.S didn't get the treaty for a while, soon it began another war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Once again there was a battle fought between the two sides. The General named Andrew Jackson led the Americans against the British. He had won the battle with the Americans.