
The Voices of Aboriginal People in Canada (1982-2015)

  • Section 12 of the Indian Act is Repealed

    Most Voice-Least Voice
  • Mohawk Warriors Set up Barricades to Protect Their Land From a Golf Course

    Mohawk Warriors Set up Barricades to Protect Their Land From a Golf Course
    Most Voice-Least Voice
  • Elijah Harper Refuses to Support the Meech Lake Accord

    Elijah Harper Refuses to Support the Meech Lake Accord
    Most Voice- Least Voice
  • Protestor Dudley George is Killed by OPP

    Protestor Dudley George is Killed by OPP
    Most Voice-Least Voice
  • The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Submits Its Report After 5 years

    The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Submits Its Report After 5 years
    Most Voice- Least Voice
  • Nisga's People Sign Treaty with the Government for the First Time

    Most Voice- Least Voice
  • Nunavut is Established

    Nunavut is Established
    Most Voice- Least Voice
  • Members of Six Nations Put Barricades Around a Housing Development

    Members of Six Nations Put Barricades Around a Housing Development
    Most Voice-Least Voice
  • Shannen Koostachin is turned down after she demands a new "safe and comfy" school for her community

    Shannen Koostachin is turned down after she demands a new "safe and comfy" school for her community
    Most Voice- Least Voice
  • Canada Endorses the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

    Canada Endorses the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
    Most Voice- Least Voice
  • Idle No More movement

    Idle No More movement
    Most Voice- Least Voice
  • The Truth & Reconciliation Commission Releases its Final Report

    The Truth & Reconciliation Commission Releases its Final Report
    Most Voice- Least Voice