Vikings invade england

The Vikings invade England

  • Period: 793 to 1066

    The Viking's Terror

    The Vikings went sailing looking for new land to farm. They sailed down the British Isles and landed in Scotland and Ireland. They raided and terrorized the people because Britain was divided and had no strong king.
  • Period: 849 to 899

    Alfred the Great

    In 871, a nobleman, Alfred, was appointed the lead of Wessex. He built a strong army from farmers to fight the Vikings. They fought a big battle at Salisbury Plain. The Vikings had to surrender
  • 866

    The Great Army

    The Great Army marched through England, capturing kingdoms. They raided English farms for years, but they really wanted all of England because the land was rich.
  • 1066

    The Battle of Hastings

    The Battle of Hastings
    After Edward, the king England, died there was a battle between two men, Harold and William as to who should be king. William won the famous battle defeating Harold and the English surrendered. William became known as William the Conqueror and the new king of England.