The Vikings

By a0r0i00
  • 753

    First colony on Lake Ládoga

  • 793

    Attack to Lindisfarne, an english monastery

  • 841

    Dobh Linn harbor is founded

  • 844

    The vikings arrive to the Iberian Peninsula

    When they tried to attack the Peninsula they were kicked out. A month later Lisbon is looted.
  • 860

    Jaganato de Rus attacks Constantinople

  • 866

    The Viking kingdom of Jórvik is born.

    The kingdom is created after Ivan Ragnarsson conquered the city of York
  • 911

    The kingdom of Normandia is born

    This happens because of a pact between the Vikings and the Frank Kings.
  • 960

    Harald of Denmark brings cristianism to Scandinavia.

  • 985

    Greenland is conquested by the Vikings

    The conquest starts with a farm built by Eriksfjord