The USA and Syria international affairs

  • The USA sends its consul to Aleppo

    The USA sends its consul to Aleppo (then the territory of the Ottoman Empire)
  • Recognition

    The USA recognizes an independent Syria and sends a diplomatic mission
  • Withdrawal

    The USA fail to topple the Syrian President. The countries withdraw their ambassadors.
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    1960s – tensions due to Arab-Israeli conflicts in the region with warming up in the first half of the 1970s
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    No relations

  • Hafiz al-Assad

    Hafiz al-Assad
    Hafiz al-Assad topples the government and becomes the president.
  • “the State Sponsor of Terrorism”

    Syria gets name “the State Sponsor of Terrorism” by the US officials. As a result, the US withdraws its ambassador and imposes administrative sanctions
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    Resolving conflicts

    1990s – Syria cooperates to resolve many military conflicts in the region and engages in peace negotiations and conferences.
  • Bashar al-Assad

    Bashar al-Assad
    Bashar al-Assad becomes the president after his father’s death.
  • “axis of evil”

    In his State of the Union address in January 2002, President George W. Bush uses the phrase “axis of evil” towards Iraq, Iran and North Korea. With time Syria gets added as “beyond the axis of evil” along with Cuba and Libya. In 2010 there appeared the term “Axis of Resistance” for an anti-Western and anti-Israeli alliance between Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia militias.
  • the Syria Accountability Act

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    the Syrian Civil War

    the Syrian Civil War which includes participating in international operations on the territory of the country to combat ISIS
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    Rebel training

    since 2012 the US supports training and arming of rebel fighters, sends weapons to anti-governmental rebels along with donating them money, establishes training camps.
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    the US forces officially intervene in the Civil War in Syria with the official aim to fight ISIS.
  • Defeat

    ISIS was defeated in 2019 with the help of the Gloal coalition.