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The United States Great Depression- David Miller ESEPSY 1159

  • Industrial Production in US begins to Decline

    Industrial Production in US begins to Decline
  • Black Thursday- Stock Market Crashes

    Black Thursday- Stock Market Crashes
  • Smoot- Hawley Tariff Act

    Smoot- Hawley Tariff Act
  • USA Banking System Fails

    USA Banking System Fails
  • USA Bank System fails for second time/ Citizens lose hope

    USA Bank System fails for second time/ Citizens lose hope
  • FDR elected President of USA

    FDR elected President of USA
  • Emergency Banking Act

    Emergency Banking Act
  • Social Security Act Implemented

    Social Security Act Implemented
  • Economy begins to move in positive direction

    Economy begins to move in positive direction
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
  • USA Declares War and Great Depression Considered Over

    USA Declares War and Great Depression Considered Over