German Confederation
The German Confederation was a weak alliance between German States headed by Austria created by peacemakers at the Congress of Vienna. Opposed to Metternich's idea of having to dismantle each individual government this alliance was create in order unite Germany. -
Bismarck's Rise to Power
Otto von Bismarck was a landowning noble from Prussia's Junker class, who later became a diplomat, prime minister, and ultimately, chancellor. As a chancellor, Bismarck was the highest official of the monarch, and used his "blood and iron" policy to unite German states. Bismarck's success was due to realpolitik, or realistic politics, and he strengthened the army to win Prussia's three wars. -
Danish War
The Danish War was a war Prussia fought with Austria together against Denmark in order to gain the two provinces of Schleswig and Holstein. The alliance had been created in 1864, and after a brief war, the two provinces were "liberated" and Austria gained Holstein while Prussia administered Schlewig. -
Seven Weeks War
The Seven Weeks War started when Bismarck invented an excuse to attack Austria in 1866. The fighting lasted only seven weeks, ending in Prussia's victory. Several north German states were then annexed by Prussia. The Austrian's German Confederation was replaced by Prussia's new confederation. However, Austria and four German states were not annexed by Prussia. -
Franco-Prussian War
Because Prussia had won against Austria, Napoleon III of France became upset over the victory, and a rivalry was developed between the two countries. Bismarck edited a telegram from King William I to a French ambassador making it seem as if the King had insulted the French. Because of this, Napoleon III declared war on Prussia, only to surrender a few weeks later. An embarassed France was forced to accept peace. -
Fornation of German Empire
Princes from the southern German states & the North German Confederation convinced William I of Prussia to become the kaiser. This created the empire, or Reich, which included all German states except Austria and Berlin as capital. A constitution, drafted by Bismarck, set up a two-house legislature - the Bundesrat, the upper house, and the lower house, the Reichstag. However, the emperor and chancellor held the real power because the upper house could veto the lower house's decisions.