
The Unification of Germany

By njm9540
  • Congress of Vienna

    When the four great countries added Prussia in the group so Prussia and Austria can balance out in power. Prussia turns 'The
    Condfederation of Rhine" into 'The German Confederation"(positive)
  • Napoleon I

    In the process of the German Unification, Napoleon I influence the soon to be empire because he spread nationalism.(positive)
  • Austrian Holstein defeat 1862, Bismarck reorganized the Prussian army and improved training in preparation for war. In 1864, he constructed an alliance with Austria to fight Denmark over Denmark's southern provincesa of Schleiswig and Holstein. Prussia received Schleiswig while Austria administered Holstein. That situation, however, could not stand for long, as Austrian Holstein was now surrounded by Prussian lands.
  • Danish War

    Danish War
    Holstein population was all German, schleswig’s mixed population. Also Denmark wanted to annex Holstein
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War war fought in 1866 between Prussia and its ally Italy against Austria and its allies Wurttemberg, Saxony, Hanover, and other minor German states. The Prussians, under Otto von Bismark, defeated the Austrians and and took their position in North Germany. (positive)
  • Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke: 1866

    <a href='' > war of 1866 [between Prussia and Austria] was entered on not because the existence of Prussia was threatened, nor was it caused by public opinion and the voice of the people; it was a struggle, long foreseen and calmly prepared for, recognized as a necessity by the Cabinet, not for territorial aggrandizement, for an extension of our domain, or for material advantage.(primary source)
  • Otto von Bismarck: 1866 Imperial Proclamation, January 18, 1871 We had to avoid wounding Austria too severely; we had to avoid leaving behind in her any unnecessary bitterness of feeling or desire for revenge; we ought rather to reserve the possibility of becoming friends again with our adversary of the moment, and in any case to regard the Austrian state as a piece on the European chessboard.(primary sources)
  • France's declare

    France's declare July 1870, France declared war on Prussia. Within a matter of weeks of fighting in Alsace-Lorraine, France lost this Franco-Prussian War. Alsace-Lorraine was transferred to Germany in the peace settlement, allowing Prussia to declare the German Empire, or Second Reich, on January 21, 1871.
  • Zollverein

    Zollverein’s leadership of the
    Zollverein contributed to the political unification of Germany.(positive)
  • germany proclaim

    germany proclaim new Germany was not proclaimed until 18 January 1871, but an important stepping-stone towards unification came about in August 1866 when, having defeated Austria in a brief but decisive war, Bismarck established the North German Confederation. The battle for German had been won.
  • The Imperial Proclamation, January 18, 1871 Imperial Proclamation, January 18, 1871Whereas the German princes and the free cities have unanimously called upon us to renew and to assume, with the restoration of the German Empire, the German imperial office, which has been empty for more than sixty years; and Whereas adequate arrangements have been provided for this in the constitution of the German Confederation(primary source)
  • uprising of the kaiser

    The southrn German states ran to the bismarck for help, because france came to attack germany. All this happen because bismarck changed williams letter to france. France declared war on germany(declares war in july of 1870 )(lost in september)and surrender at Paris in januray of 1871. William I became kaiser at Versailles and Bismarck became the "Iron Chanceller"