Trojan war

The Trojan War by Melisse Jaurigue

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis

    Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis
    Eris, the Goddess of Discord, was the only god uninvited. She threw an apple into the wedding that said "For the Fairest". Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera all wanted the apple, but Zeus would not coose between them,
  • Jan 2, 1000

    The Judgement of Paris

    The Judgement of Paris
    When the golden apple with "The Fairest." written on it was thrown into the wedding, the three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite thought the apple should be for them so to solve the conflict, Zeus appointed Paris, (a Trojan Prince) to judge the contest.
  • Jan 3, 1000

    The Kidnap of Helen

    The Kidnap of Helen
    Paris kidnaps Helen and takes her to Troy.
  • Jan 4, 1000

    Menelaus gathers up all of Helens old suitors

    Menelaus gathers up all of Helens old suitors
    Menelaus calls upon Helens old suitors to join him on the voyage to Troy and help retreive Helen
  • Jan 6, 1000

    Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter

    Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter
    At first the Greek army couldn't set sail because there was no wind. Agamemnon solved that problem by sacrificing his own daughter, Iphigenia, to the goddess Artemis. Then the winds turned favorable and one thousand Greek ships set sail for Troy.
  • Jan 7, 1000

    War is Declared

    War is Declared
    Agamemnon lead all of Helens old suitors on a journey to attack Troy.
  • Jan 8, 1000

    First 9 Years of War

    First 9 Years of War
    Greeks attacked surrounding cities, and cut of food supply from Troy.
  • Jan 9, 1000

    Wooden horse built

    Wooden horse built
    The Greeks a wooden horse and Odysseus, Menelaus, Achilles, and seventeen other warriors hid inside it. After leaving the horse at the gates of Troy, the Greek army sailed just out of eyesight. The Trojans thought the Greeks had given up and had left the horse as a gift. While the Trojans were asleep or drunk, the Greek ships quietly returned. The soldiers in the horse slipped out set fires all over the city.
  • Jan 10, 1000

    The death of Achilles and Paris

    The death of Achilles and Paris
    During the invasion, Achilles was shot by Paris, who was aiming for his back but instead hit his mortal heel, his only weakness, killing him. Paris was then killed by Menelaus himself, devestating Helen
  • Jan 11, 1000

    Odysseus angers Posideon

    Odysseus angers Posideon
    Posideon gets angry at Odysseus after he killed his favorite son, a giant Cyclops. Odysseus and his crew were doomed to be lost sailing the seas for ten years. It was only then that him and his crew found Ithaca, his home.