
The Trojan War by Jose Perez

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Wedding of King Peleus and Thetis

  • Jan 2, 1000

    Judgement of Paris

    Judgement of Paris
    Paris went to go get Helen to be his wife.
  • Jan 3, 1000

    Paris visits King Menelaus of Sparta

    Paris visits King Menelaus of Sparta
    Paris goes to Sparta to get Helen, and when King Menelaus left for a funeral he took Helen.
  • Jan 4, 1000

    Cinyras tricks Menelaus

    Cinyras tricks Menelaus
    Cinyras did not wish to go to war, but promised Agamemnon fifty ships for the Greek fleet. True to his word, Cinyras did send fifty ships. The first ship was commanded by his son. But the other forty-nine boats were toy clay ships, with tiny clay sailors. They dissembled soon after being placed in the ocean.
  • Jul 19, 1000

    Menelaus and Oddyseus look for Helen

    Menelaus and Oddyseus look for Helen
    Finding Troy was difficult, but, the Greek fleet at first landed in Mysia. According to Herodotus, the Greeks were under the impression that Helen had been taken by the Teuthranians and the Teuthranians denied such allegations, the Greeks layed siege to the city.The Greeks ultimately prevailed, but suffered heavy casualties at the hands of Telephus, and at the end, were still without Helen.
  • Jul 3, 1009

    The trojan horse

    Oddyseus had an idea to make a horse have it hollow so people could hide in it then they sent it in waited for everyine to go to sleep and they killed everyone.
  • May 13, 1100

    Greek Custom

    it was a sacred greek custom to offer strangers with food or gifts.
  • May 11, 1300


    the cyclops ask the sea faring men are here for honest trading fair traffic or are dishonest people
  • The Sun God

    The sun god heliosas punished zeus, destroyed the ships and oddyseus was the only survivor