Jan 1, 1200
Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis
King Pelius and Thetis marry each other in Pithia after Zeus arranges the marriage. -
Jan 2, 1200
Judgement of Paris
Zeus ask Parid weather Aphrodite, Hera, or Athena is the most beautiful. Parid realized this was a test and that the two that he said were not beautiful would haunt his life forever and attempt to make it misserable. -
Jan 3, 1200
Paris is bribed
Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena all attempt to bribe Paris.
Hera offers him power
Athena says she wilgive him wealth
Aphrodite promisses Helen of Troy -
Jan 4, 1200
Paris makes his decision
Paris choses Aphrodite and as she promised he will marry Helen. Paris then sets off for Sparta. -
Jan 5, 1200
Paris arrives in Sparta
Paris arrives in Sparta an is treated like royalty by Menelaus. One Menelaus leaves sparta for a funeral, Paris and Helen escape from Sparta. -
Jan 6, 1200
Menalaus discovers Helens absence
Menlaus congregates all of Helens suitors and plans to travel to Troy and save and demand her back from Paris. -
Jan 7, 1200
Embassy to Priam
Afdter a difficult voyage and trouble finding Troy, Odysseus and Menelaus go to the embassy at Priam and demand back Helena and the stolen treasures. -
Jan 8, 1200
The War
The war of Greece vs Troy lasted 10 years. The Greeks were able to win many of the Major battles of the war but they couldnt destroy the walls of Troy. -
Jan 9, 1200
The Trojan Horse
After many attempts to destroy the walls of Troy, The genius of Odysseus ordered that giant hollow wooden horse was to be constructed. The lan was the they would present the horse as a present to the city of Troy, but it was to be filled with Greek soldiers. -
Jan 10, 1200
After the War
After the Greeks destroyed the city of Troy, they started on the journey home. Some of these mean will realise that this journey home will be harder than the war itself..(Odysseus and Menelaus).