Mar 1, 1001
Paris Makes Decision
Paris chooses the godess of love Aphrodite to find the most beautiful girl and Aphrodite refers him to a beautiful girl named Helen. -
Aug 1, 1001
The Trojans
The gods and godesses: Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, The great battle god Hector led all of the Trojans to war. The Trojans kidnap the godess Apollo to get the war started. They set Apollo free but kidnap Brieseis who is Achilles's girlfriend -
Dec 1, 1001
First Major Duel
Menalaus and Paris end up fighting. Paris is almost defeated by his opponent but is quickly saved by Aphrodite. -
Jun 1, 1002
Hera's Creation
A Trojan trouble maker ends up starting the war agian who was created by Hera. He goes by Pandarus. -
Oct 1, 1003
Zeuz Comes
The Greek god Zuez who is all for the Trojans is upset with them for attempting to kill Ares. They end up having to retreat. -
Oct 1, 1004
Still trying to choose a side Hector is almost killed so he sides with the Trojans. God Zeuz forces Posieden to join the Trojans side. -
Dec 1, 1006
Athena Is Tricky
When Athena found Hector she morphed into Hector's brother and began to distract him while Achilles stole his spear. -
Nov 1, 1007
Hectors Funeral
With his mangled body Hector's funeral continues on. Achilles actions were very disrespectful so now everybody is after him. -
Jan 1, 1008
New Leader For Troy
The new leader of the Trojans was Prince Memron. -
Oct 1, 1009
Due to Achilles death the Greeks were hurting badly and were forced to drop back.