Jan 1, 1547
Henry VIII Dies.
Marquis of Hertford appointed Lord Protector. Scotland Invaded. -
Period: Jan 1, 1547 to
The Triumph of Elizabeth: Britian, 1547-1603
Timeline of atuff -
Jun 15, 1549
Sir Thomas Seymour executed.
Western Rebellion and Kett's Rebellion begin. Fall of Somerset. -
Jun 15, 1550
Earl of Warwick made Lord President of the Council
Jun 15, 1553
Death of Edward VI.
Mary 1 proclaimed Queen in London. -
Jun 15, 1554
Wyatt's Rebellion.
Lady Jane Grey executed. Mary and Philip of Spain marry. -
Jun 15, 1558
Mary died, accession of Elizabeth.
Sir William Cecil appointed Secretary. -
Jun 15, 1559
Elizabeth's coronation.
Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity passed. Matthew Parker appointed Archbishop of Canterbury. -
Jun 15, 1560
Treaty of Edinburgh - Peace between Scotland & England.
Jun 15, 1564
Treaty of Troyes between France & England.
Jun 15, 1567
Mary Queen of Scots forced to abdicate.
Jun 15, 1570
Elizabeth excommunicated by Pope Pius V.
Jun 15, 1573
Sir Francis Walsingham appointed Secretary of State.
Jun 15, 1579
Marriage negotiations between Elizabeth and the Duke of Alacon.
Throckmorton Plot
England's war against Spain begins
Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
Spanish Armada defeated
Robert Cecil promoted to Privy Council
Beginning of Tyrone rebellion in Ireland
First in a series of bad harvests. -
Worst harvest of the century
Successive harvest failures lead to death
Rebellion and execution of Earl of Essex
Queen Elizabeth dies. Succeeded by James VI of Scotland
Surrender of Tyrone -
England's war against Spain ends