Jan 25, 1255
Pigsty is called a feeder in the middle ages. -
Mar 5, 1255
Taxation (what were taxes like?)
you have to pay taxes to your liege lord, your town, your trade guide and your king.
one tenth of your total yearly income or output have to be paid to your local church! -
Apr 5, 1255
usually noble women didnt get married until the age of 24. their marriage needs to be recognised by the church.
theres 2 type of marriage:
-friedelehe -
Jun 1, 1255
work (how were farms paid?)
they salaries are just enough to survive, and avarage far,ers had to work 12 hours per day. their life is poor and unhappy! :( -
Aug 30, 1255
Lodging (where did most people liv in?)
most the poor people live in small vilages, dark and damp houses.
the rich people live in manor house, town/city and most had town houses. a very few live in castle permanetly, but castles were really exppensive. -
Dec 24, 1255
crime and punishment
theres no police force,law-enforcement swas in the hand of the community. there is kings court, ordeal by water, ordeal by fire, and ordeal by combat.. -
Jan 30, 1256
i got accused that im a witch so i got burnt..