
The Titanic

  • The maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic begins.

  • 11:30 p.m. ~ The iceberg is spotted.

  • 11:40 p.m. ~ The RMS Titanic stikes the iceberg.

  • 12.:20 a.m. ~ Water is overwhelming the Titanic's hold.

  • 12:25 a.m. ~ The position of the Titanic and a plea of help is sent via telegraph to nearby ships.

  • 12:30 a.m. ~ Passengers are alerted that women are children are to board the life boats.

  • 12:45 a.m. ~ The first life boat is lowered into the icy Atlantic.

  • 1:00 a.m. ~ The fore ports are beginning to go beneath the water.

  • 1:20 a.m. ~ Water begins gushing into the boiler rooms.

  • 1:30 a.m. ~ The port boats are let down into the ocean.

  • 1:40 a.m. ~ The engine room is flooded.

  • 1:45 a.m. ~ The stern is lifting out of the water

  • 2:00 a.m. ~ The bow recedes deeper into the dark ink of the ocean. The stern is lifted toward the bright, twinkling stars.

  • 2:10 a.m. ~ People begin panicking and leaping into the icy waters below.

  • 2:17 a.m. ~ The nearby ship, the Virginian, hears the Titanic's plea, then nothing. The power on the Titanic ceases.

  • 2:18 a.m. ~ The stern of the Titanic still rises, then snaps. The bow sinks. The stern continues to upright itself vertically.

  • 2:20 a.m. ~ Titanic, the ship dubbed 'Unsinkable', has sunk.